• Serverless Land Talk: MVM and EventBridge

    AWS Live Stream

  • Minimum Viable Migrations (MVM), A Path to Cloud Modernization (Python Web Conf)

    Most tech teams will take an Agile approach to launching new products and services. Starting with a Minimal Viable Product (MVP), and releasing iteratively  — gathering feedback, testing assumptions and delivering value to customers more rapidly. For migration projects though, this often goes out the window. With teams looking for a “big bang” release once the new system reaches feature parity (an equivalent set of features and functionaries) with the existing system. Instead, a focus on Minimum Viable Migrations (MVMs) allows assumptions to be tested faster, teams to be focused and value to be delivered to customers more rapidly. (Talk given at CloudNative Exchange Conference)

  • AWS Office Hours - Demo

  • DRAFT: Building Event-Driven Serverless Architectures on AWS (Melbourne AWS Meetup 2021)

    Serverless has changed the way we build applications, and with the introduction of Amazon EventBridge building event-driven applications is massively improved. We all want to avoid the distributed monolith, and clear event-driven structure along with tools like EventBridge can ensure we build high scale extensible architectures that have good development experiences. In this talk we’ll look at how Domain-Driven Design, in the form of EventBridge storming can be used to design our architectures. We’ll the jump into a hands on exercise to play around with EventBridge via the Serverless Framework and sls-dev-tools.

  • DRAFT WIP - Cloud Parallelism With Serverless On AWS - PythonWebConf

    Serverless offers scalability and speed with a nice abstraction layer to many web and mobile applications, as well as massive concurrency which can be run large workloads in parallel. This talk will discuss what is possible with Serverless for parallel algorithms and services to use. We will cover: - What Serverless is (AWS Lambda and beyond) - The Serverless Services on AWS and other cloud providers - How to write code for Serverless - How parallelism works on Serverless - How to orchestrate parallel workloads with Serverless. Services like AWS Step Functions

  • Alex White Joint Presentation: Using observability to scale AWS Lambda

    Serverless architectures on AWS, involving services like AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, Step Functions, API Gateway, bring instant scalability when built and configured in the correct way. We’ll look at how AWS Serverless architectures need to be treated differently to ensure optimal scalability and how Serverless tools (like Serverless Artillery) can be used to verify scalability. Not only will we look at achieving scalability, we’ll also look at the tools and techniques to predict and limit the cost of scaling. To bring these topics to life we’ll look at the architecture of 2 live Serverless applications built on AWS for scale and discuss how they were architected, how costs were monitored and kept in line and how serverless load testing was used to verify scalability and catch edge cases.

  • Load Testing AWS Serverless Architectures Using Serverless

    Serverless architectures on AWS, involving services like AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, Step Functions, API Gateway, bring instant scalability when built and configured in the correct way. We’ll look at how AWS Serverless architectures need to be treated differently to ensure optimal scalability and how Serverless tools (like Serverless Artillery) can be used to verify scalability. Not only will we look at achieving scalability, we’ll also look at the tools and techniques to predict and limit the cost of scaling. To bring these topics to life we’ll look at the architecture of 2 live Serverless applications built on AWS for scale and discuss how they were architected, how costs were monitored and kept in line and how serverless load testing was used to verify scalability and catch edge cases.

  • Minimum Viable Migrations (MVM), A Path to Cloud Modernization

    Most tech teams will take an Agile approach to launching new products and services. Starting with a Minimal Viable Product (MVP), and releasing iteratively  — gathering feedback, testing assumptions and delivering value to customers more rapidly. For migration projects though, this often goes out the window. With teams looking for a “big bang” release once the new system reaches feature parity (an equivalent set of features and functionaries) with the existing system. Instead, a focus on Minimum Viable Migrations (MVMs) allows assumptions to be tested faster, teams to be focused and value to be delivered to customers more rapidly. (Talk given at CloudNative Exchange Conference)

  • EventBridge Storming Workshop

  • Building State-of-the-art Event-Driven Python Microservices with Serverless in AWS - Python Web Conf

    Serverless is often thought of in terms of FaaS (like AWS Lambda). There are though many other Serverless services, for instance in AWS there is DynamoDB, API Gateway, Cognito and so on. Serverless microservices can be composed of these underlying services to achieve huge flexibility and speed. However, there is the trap of building a distributed monolith if the right tooling and approach are not used. This talk will go through the steps to build a state-of-the-art Python Serverless Microservice architecture based on Amazon Eventbridge through the "EventBridge Storming" approach (an extension of Event Storming from Domain-Driven Design). From idea to code in 8 steps.

  • Event-Driven Serverless, EventBridge, EventStorming and more...

    This talk was given at the virtual ServerlessDays Cardiff meetup 09/04/20.

  • DRAFT NOT COMPLETE - Serverless Observability

    Talk given at the AWS Community Summit.

  • Serverless Scheduling - Using Python Step Functions in AWS

    Talk given at the AWS Community Summit.

  • [LIGHTNING] Custom Runtimes on AWS Lambda: My experience doing Serverless PHP - AWS User Group Meetup 2019

    Lightning talk given at the AWS Community Summit London 2019.

  • Don't be SecureLess: Best practices for keeping your Lambdas secure

    Talk given at the AWS Community Summit.

  • Custom Runtimes on AWS Lambda: My experience doing Serverless PHP - AWS User Group Meetup 2019

    Talk given at the React-Native-London meetup.

  • Being cloud-native with react-native, build faster with AWS Amplify

  • Poka-Yoke

    Using Poka-Yoke in Software Development Talk from the 2019 Lean Summit Bulgaria. Discussing how Poka-Yoek (mistake proofing) can apply to software development, using the examples of type checking, linting, test coverage and CI tools.

  • 16:9 React Amsterdam 2019: Sharing Code Between React and React-Native: What Not to Share

    Talk given at the React-Native-London meetup.

  • React Amsterdam 2019: Sharing Code Between React and React-Native: What Not to Share

    Talk given at the React-Native-London meetup.

  • BDD Workshop (Cypress Fixtures)

    The talk was given at the QE-Roundabout Meetup in London 12/02/19.

  • BDD in 2019: Cypress and Cucumber

    The talk was given at the QE-Roundabout Meetup in London 12/02/19.

  • Sharing Code Between React and React-Native: The Good, The Bad and the Unsharable

    Talk given at the React-Native-London meetup.

  • Building a Trump / Obama Tweet Classifier with 98% Accuracy

    Talk given at the London Deep Learning & AI Meetup.