Don't Be SecureLess

Best practices for keeping your Lambdas secure
Ben Ellerby


Ben Ellerby





What is this Serverless thing?

  • Architectural movement
    • Developers send application code which is run by the cloud provider in isolated containers abstracted from the developer.
    • Use 3rd party services used to manage backend logic and state (e.g. Firebase, Cognito)
    • Cost nothing when not used
  • A framework with the same name



Why Serverless?

💰 Cost reduction

👷‍♂️ #NoOps

💻 Developers focus on delivering                   business value

📈 More scalable

🌳 Greener


Not just Lambda (FaaS)




API Gateway




API Proxy






Event Bus

Power and Flexibility 


FaaS: AWS Lambda



Cleanup /tmp

When the temporary is persistent


  • /tmp is the only place to write to disk on Lambda

  • Useful for performance and file manipulation (e.g. PDFs)

  • But, removes the sandboxing isolation from src (and injected) code.

  • EFS has changed some aspects of this, but tmp is the main concern for most users.

Cleanup after yourself


Always remove any file written to the /tmp directory unless you are explicitly doing it to optimize performance and have considered all potential security risks.


Cleanup after yourself


const removeFolderContentsRecursively = (directory) => {
  fs.readdir(directory, (err, files) => {
    if (err) throw err;

    for (const file of files) {
      console.log(`--- Deleting ${file} ---`);
      const curPath = `${directory}/${file}`;
      if (fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) {
      } else { // delete file
        try {
        } catch (error) {

// Clean up if on Lambda (not local!)
if (context.awsRequestId && !process.env.IS_LOCAL) {


Separate Lambdas

Separation of Lambda Concerns


  • IAM roles allow fine-grained permissions


  • Large cross-functional monolithic Lambdas don't benefit as much


  • "Micro-Lambdas" that do one thing can have fine-grained policies.




Keep it fine-grained


Keep your Lambdas fine-grained with a separation of concerns, using specific roles with specific policies for each.



Automate Checks




Least Privilege

Don't go wild with IAM


  • IAM is a great tool to secure your application.

  • Developers have been massively empowered by Serverless, but at what cost? 

  • Use policies that give least privilege possible to perform a specific task.

Audit your policies


Train and Automate


Ensure all IAM policies allow the least privileges needed to perform their task. Train your team on this principle and ensure basic checks are enforced on CI.



API Gateway

Security Check


  • Keep private lambdas private

  • Expose via well-configured API Gateway 

  • DoS protection

  • Rate limiting

  • Integration with “Authentication as a Service” e.g. Cognito, Okta...



AWS WAF is your first line of defence against web exploits

WAF & API Gateway?


Check Requests


Avoid exposing Lambda functions to the Internet and if exposed only allow invocation through API Gateway with WAF.




Know what’s happening


  • The flexibility, distribution and granularity of Serverless architectures make logging hard.

  • Cloudwatch & XRay are the minimum.


CloudWatch Lambda Insights


Dedicated Observability Service

Be All-Seeing


Basic logging is a given. Add onto this, X-Ray Logging and specialised third-party Serverless logging providers (and  Cloudwatch ServiceLens).


Build to make your logs recoverable.




Don’t forget the basics


  • Serverless changes many things - but don't forget to secure code, access control, dependencies encryption...

  • Apply OWASP Top 10

  • Apply Serverless OWASP Top 10

Keep applying the basics


Keep applying basic security principles and use the OWASP Top Ten as your reference.

Also, use automated tools like snyk and Protego 



Account Security

Environmental Impact


  • 1 AWS Account PER Environment (e.g. dev, staging, UAT, production)


  • Use AWS Organizations to share billing and policies. Aim for 1 account / service strategy.


  • MFA is NEVER optional.
    AWS SSO can help too!


Secure Your Accounts


Separate your dev, test and production environments to mitigate human error and attacks


MFA is not optional for your teams!



  • Serverless does take away some (not all) security concerns like patching

  • There new attack vectors and mitigating them is key

  • Developer speed and autonomy may threaten your security. Ops need to coach and automate






Don't be SecureLess: Best practices for keeping your Lambdas secure

By Ben Ellerby

Don't be SecureLess: Best practices for keeping your Lambdas secure

Talk given at the AWS Community Summit.

  • 2,408