• Acter Product Basics - Activism Organizing with social productivity

    State of the App. Acter.global - where we are, where we are heading.

  • Acter - Activism Organizing on Matrix @ MatrixSummit 2023, Berlin

    State of the App. Acter.global - where we are, where we are heading.

  • Effektio at MatrixSummit 2022

    This gives a brief overview of the Effektio App

  • MatrixSummit 2022: The future is green

  • Matrix Rust SDK

  • Parteifrei - Warum und Wie bei der Bundestagswahl 2021 Geschichte schreiben kann

  • Off of the shaky grounds

  • Behold the future is upon us!

    A quick recap of what happened at Sub0.1, some more projects and honorable mentions, we didn't have time for and other changes that happened and a quick reality check and view into the future of Substrate.

  • Intro to Polkadot & Substrate

    An introduction and current status update on Polkadot & substrate as given on Jul 4th 2019 in Barcelona

  • Polkadot and why you want to substrate your blockchain!

  • A new ÐAwn

  • Substrate Workshop Intro

  • WASM in the wild - hot-upgradable runtime in substrate thanks to rust

  • Polkadot and why you want to substrate your blockchain!

  • Privacy-first Data Structures @ BOB 2017

  • It's time to SAFE the Internet, FOSDEM 2017

  • Welcome to SAFE Dev Amsterdam #1 - 2016-12-06

    A technical introducing to The SAFE Network at Bitcoin Wednesday in Amsterdam on Dec 7th 2016

  • Introducing SAFE @ Bitcoin Wednesday 2016-12-07

    A technical introducing to The SAFE Network at Bitcoin Wednesday in Amsterdam on Dec 7th 2016

  • Privacy Decentralised Frontend-only WebApps with SAFE (@ Front-End Amsterdam, Dec 6th 2016)

    A presentation about noBackend and its relationship to the SAFE network as a privacy-first, decentralised framework to build frontend-only web-app given at Front-End Amsterdam Meetup on Dec 6th 2016.

  • My first Rust Web App

    Let's explore the rust web ecosystem by trying to develop a web app for our boss(es). Code can be found at: https://github.com/ligthyear/my-first-rust-web-app

  • Component-Oriented UX For The Win… But How?

    Understanding UI as reusable components and building it in a modular way are the new black in web development. But how exactly do you apply these latest technologies while still allowing overall themes and customization as we are used to? In this case study, we will look under the hood of beavy to understand how it uses CSS Modules and React to marry having highly complex, reusable UI-components and ensuring they can be completely customized at the same time. And what that means for the overall design process. --- This talk has been presented at UpFront #62, Nov 10th 2015, Berlin: http://www.meetup.com/up-front-ug/events/226053994/

  • Let's be honest

    A rant dismantling the every day bullshit in tech

  • debugging-101