• Enterprise Svelte

    Svelte is the lean JavaScript framework for building ""Cybernetically enhanced web apps"" where the framework is compiled away, leaving only the bare essential JS needed to keep your app working as expected. But can it scale to use in enterprise applications? The answer is Yes ...and it's spectacular.

  • The Age of Micro Frontends

    The High-Level lowdown on Micro frontends

  • Astro and the Islands Architecture

    Astro is the hot new static site builder for creating user-centric websites with “islands” of interactivity ...and the coolest part: You can even use React, Vue or Svelte components to build your site, or a combination of them, it doesn’t matter, it’s whatever you prefer. So come learn about the Islands Architecture, the features of Astro and how you can build full featured interactive websites

  • RxJS with React 2022

    RxJS and React, 2 libraries that are fantastic at what they do when these libraries are brought together you get succinct, expressive code that lets you create complex web applications "without a lot of noise"

  • Micro Frontends... or not

    So, like a decade ago micro-services happened, and it was calamitous for some and hugely successful for others. And guess what? Now, we’re all doing it again with something called micro-frontends. But seriously, are micro-frontends worth the effort? I’m going to show you the pros and cons, some alternatives, and let you know what you’re getting into, so that YOU can decide: "Could my organization benefit from switching to micro-frontends?".

  • Nx + Next.js = ❤️

    Nx is a next-generation suite of build tools. Next.js is a state-of-the-art framework for building web applications. Together they bring order to the chaos of building multiple web applications across many teams.

  • A Tale of Two Apps

  • Micro Front-Ends

    This was actually just a primer for an internal company discussion about micro-frontends. Much of the content is lovingly stolen and un-attributed from other talks and presentations.

  • How to Build Large Scale React Apps (JS VidCon)

    This talk is about the fundamental principles for managing the complexity of large front-end applications at scale. It is not about scaling your deployments (i.e. operations), but rather the trouble of scaling front-end development across multiple teams, with strategies for front-end architecture, code organization, predictability and fighting complexity.

  • How to Build Large Scale React Apps

    This talk is about the fundamental principles for managing the complexity of large front-end applications at scale. It is not about scaling your deployments (i.e. operations), but rather the trouble of scaling front-end development across multiple teams, with strategies for front-end architecture, code organization, predictability and fighting complexity.

  • Smaller, Faster, Svelter

    Svelte is the hot new JavaScript framework for building 'Cybernetically enhanced web apps", where the easy to use framework is compiled away, leaving only the bare essential JavaScript needed to keep your app working as expected. Because of this paradigm, it's just so easy to just add a touch of Svelte to an already existing website or web app. Come learn about the best way to add a dash of awesome, for a tiny cost, using Svelte.

  • Svelte: The Next Big Thing

    I’m going to tell you about Svelte, the web framework that is going to change thee way we develop for the web. I’ll talk about why it’s great, what makes it different, and why Svelte is going to be the “next big thing” for the web.

  • How to Build Large Scale React Apps

    This talk is about the fundamental principles for managing the complexity of large front-end applications at scale. It is not about scaling your deployments (i.e. operations), but rather the trouble of scaling front-end development across multiple teams, with strategies for front-end architecture, code organization, predictability and fighting complexity.

  • React Hooks: The Weird Ones

    React hooks offer a better way to add state and side effects to your components. The built-in hooks can be composed and combined to create rich, shareable interactions and behaviours. You may already know how and when to use useState() and useEffect(), but what about useImperativeHandle()? How about useLayoutEffect() or useDebugValue()?