
RxJS with React

The best, most maintainable code, is code that matches the way you think about the problem, without a lot of noise

What do I mean by noise...?

Therefore, the best
Language / Framework / Library

is the one that either:

A. Matches your way of thinking

B. Guides you to think in a different way


Succinct, expressive code, that lets you build complex web applications

"without a lot of noise"

Why RxJS?

Succinct, expressive code for dealing with
events, asynchronicity and state

Steep Learning

Declarative Style

Functional in Nature

Encourages Immutability

Why React?

Succinct, expressive code for dealing with
UI based on discrete synchronous state updates

Steep Learning

Declarative Style

Functional in Nature

Encourages Immutability

Why RxJS with React?


Sync State

Change the way you think about problems


How to use RxJS with React

observables with



const [state, setState] = useState()

useEffect(() => {
  const sub = observable$.subscribe(
    newState => setState( newState )
  return () => sub.unsubscribe()
}, [])
Syncing State
const [people, setPeople] = useState();

useEffect(() => {
  const sub = ajax(ENDPOINT).subscribe(
    ({ response: { results } }) => {
  return () => sub.unsubscribe();
}, []);
const people = useSelector(
  state => state.people
const dispatch = useDispatch()

useEffect(() => {
  dispatch({ type: FETCH_PEOPLE })
}, [])
Redux fetch
const [people, setPeople] = useState();

useEffect(() => {
  cosnt url = ENDPOINT + `?filter=${filtertext}`
  const sub = ajax(url).subscribe(
    ({ response: { results } }) => {
  return () => sub.unsubscribe();
}, [ filtertext ]);
Prop Changes
const [events, setEvents] = useState();

useEffect(() => {
  const sub = calendar$.pipe(
    map(calendar => calendar.events),
  return () => sub.unsubscribe();
}, []);
Separation of Concerns
// The same in every component
const [state, setState] = useState()

useEffect(() => {
  const sub = state$.subscribe(
    newState => setState( newState )
  return () => sub.unsubscribe()
}, [])


const useObservable = fn => {
  const [state, setState] = useState()
  const state$ = useRef(new BehaviorSubject()).current
  const actions$ = useRef(new Subject()).current
  const newState$ = useRef(fn(actions$, state$)).current
  const dispatch = action => actions$.next(action)

  useEffect(() => {
    const subscription = newState$
      .subscribe(newState => setState(newState))
    return () => subscription.unsubscribe()
  }, [newState$])

  return [state, dispatch]
const MyComponent() {
  const [count, dispatch] = useObservable(
    (actions$, state$) => {
        switchMap(([,n]) => 
       	  ajax(endpoint(n + 1)).pipe(
            map(response => respose.result)

  return (
    <button onClick={e => dispatch(e.target.value)}>
const Container = (props) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useObservable(myEpic);

  const handleChange(e => dispatch({
    type: 'CHANGE',
    payload: e.target.value
  return (
    <Presentational {...state}
A new container




Succinct, expressive code

Powerful best in class abstractions 

Separation of Concerns

Components become about
User Interface

Separation of Concerns

Observables are how you handle application state and events


Test components and observables separately

Cross Framework

Use tools and from other communities

Rx Tools

RxJS is super popular across frameworks so, sometimes we get to use solutions from other communities, and there is just a lot of cool RxJS stuff out there


RxJS with React

RxJS with React 2022

By Adam L Barrett

RxJS with React 2022

RxJS and React, 2 libraries that are fantastic at what they do when these libraries are brought together you get succinct, expressive code that lets you create complex web applications "without a lot of noise"

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