Micro Frontends

Possible QUestions

  • What actually counts as a micro frontend?
  • What are some tools and techniques...?
  • Was there anything you learned only after implementing micro frontends...?
  • What are some unforseen challenges?
  • What about unforseen benefits?

What are micro Frontends?

Micro Services

  • organization around business capability
  • independant deployment
  • decentralized control of languages and data


Integrations for



Integration approaches

  • Server Side Includes
  • Edge Side Includes
  • Client Side Includes
  • Iframes
  • Web-Components
  • devoted frameworks (opencomponents.github.io, single-spa...)


  • Ability teams to iterate and innovate independently
  • Smaller, more cohesive and maintainable codebases
  • Ability to organize teams around business units or products
  • More scalable organizations with decoupled, autonomous teams


  • Browsers may end up downloading multiple frameworks & duplicate code
  • Needing to have many different applications running in development to test a complete experience
  • Tracking and debug problems across the entire system
  • Dealing with versioning across the system
  • UX Consistency



  • browsers may end up downloading multiple frameworks & duplicate code
  • Needing to have many different applications running in development to test a complete experience
  • Tracking and debug problems across the entire system
  • Dealing with versioning across the system
  • UX Consistency
  • Ability teams to iterate and innovate independently
  • Smaller, more cohesive and maintainable codebases
  • Ability to organize teams around business units or products
  • more scalable organizations with decoupled, autonomous teams


Some news for micro frontends from Webpack 5

Module Federation

NOw Let's Chat!

Possible QUestions

  • What actually counts as a micro frontend?
  • What are some tools and techniques...?
  • Was there anything you learned only after implementing micro frontends...?
  • What are some unforseen challenges?
  • What about unforseen benefits?

Micro Frontends... or not

By Adam L Barrett

Micro Frontends... or not

So, like a decade ago micro-services happened, and it was calamitous for some and hugely successful for others. And guess what? Now, we’re all doing it again with something called micro-frontends. But seriously, are micro-frontends worth the effort? I’m going to show you the pros and cons, some alternatives, and let you know what you’re getting into, so that YOU can decide: "Could my organization benefit from switching to micro-frontends?".

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