Brett Parker SAP ‘s Former CEO explains how everywhere you look you see how the world has evolved with mobile phones, computers, ipad, AI, robots, genetic engineering, and so many inventions that come out every day.
Brett Parker Sap - What benefits have new technologies brought to the industry?
Brett Parker Sap - Time passes and it seems that technologies penetrate much more in our day to day. The same happens with the development of industries, therefore, it would be of little benefit not to adapt to the innovations that occur in the business environment. Since over the years and with the arrival of new trends, the public's perception changes and, therefore, their needs.
Sep 08, 20206190
Brett Parker Sap -The social changes that the fourth industrial revolution drives
If Klaus Schwab's predictions come true, and all signs point to a transformation already underway, the way we live may well be subject to change as well. As he himself says in his work "we live in a time of great promise and great danger." The benefits of the fourth industrial revolution seem clear: * Secure the potential to connect billions of people to digital networks.
Jun 10, 20208700
Brett Parker Sap - How to face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or simply, the 4IR, as it is usually called in the Anglo-Saxon world, is going from being the buzzword to becoming a reality. That is exactly what we are experiencing with the current wave of technological transformation. Advances such as robotics, machine learning, 3D printing, the Internet of Things and blockchain, are changing not only the way industries operate but, in many cases, the business models on which they are based.
Jun 10, 20208260
Brett Parker Sap — 4IR technology and changes in society
Smart factories, Industry 4.0, or the massive introduction of robots into productive environments are just some of the clues that can help describe a fairly immediate future. The possibilities of technology exceed expectations and each advance encourages the appearance of new innovations in this field. The strategy of factories, that of production chains, organizations around the world, and even governments, surrenders before the acceleration of the changes that make the radical transformation of production methods and processes imminent.
Jun 10, 20207860
Brett Parker Sap -What is Big Data for in companies
Brett Parker Sap It is clear that companies today generate a lot of data and, more often, demand to know not only what is happening in the present, but also what will happen in the future. It is precisely in this ecosystem where Big Data takes center stage. Thanks to Big Data we can know on which dates customers usually attend our businesses, which products are sold more quickly, which promotions were best accepted, the names of customers who are most loyal to our brands, etc.
May 22, 20207500
Brett Parker Sap Big Data Types
Brett Parker Sap To delve into what Big Data is and what it is for, it is also necessary to know that there are different types of data associated with this technique. The importance of this technology in the present and in the immediate future is undeniable and it seems to be (according to the experts) that in the coming years all the advances, both at work, personal and leisure, will turn around it. But do you know what types of data exist, what is interesting and how to use all that information to your advantage? Brett Parker Sap is going to explain it to you.
May 21, 20207660
Brett Parker The Five "Vs" of Big Data
Brett Parker Sap - Big data (big data or large volumes of data) is an evolutionary term that describes any voluminous amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that has the potential to be mined for information. Big Data can be classified through its four main characteristics, also known as the four Vs of Big Data (volume, variety, speed and truthfulness). To these, three more can be added: feasibility, visualization and value. The first question that comes to mind when considering what Big Data is and what it is for is related to how much "big" the data has to be to be considered "Big". Finally, the correct approach is not to set a size at all, but relative. What may now seem like a large size of data, in two or three years may be normal or even irrelevant.
May 20, 20207110
Brett Parker Sap What is Big Data and what is it for?
In short, when we talk about Big Data we are not only referring to data, but above all to the ability to exploit it to extract information and knowledge of value for our business. Brett Parker Sap tells us that The purpose of Big Data is to be able to design new products and services based on the new insights we acquire about our clients, about our competition or the market in general.
May 19, 20207660
Brett Parker What is Big Data?
Brett Parker Sap, an expert in the different innovations offered by the fourth industrial revolution, also known as 4IR, tells us more about Big Data. Big Data is massive data analysis. An amount of data, so extremely large, that the data processing software applications that have traditionally been used are not capable of capturing, processing and adding value in a reasonable time.
May 19, 20205980
Brett Parker Sap - What is Artificial Intelligence
Are we aware of the challenges and main applications of Artificial Intelligence? -Brett Parker Sap Brett Parker Sap tells us that artificial intelligence long ago left the spectrum of science fiction to sneak into our lives and, although still at a very early stage, is called to lead a revolution comparable to that generated by the Internet. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the combination of algorithms designed to create machines that have the same capabilities as humans. A technology that is still distant and mysterious to us, but that has been present in our daily life at all hours for a few years. Brett Parker Sap - TYPES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
May 15, 20206190
Brett Parker SAP Five ways to use cloud storage
May 14, 20206110
Brett Parker Sap Types of cloud storage
Depending on the properties, limitations and access to the information they present, there are different types of storage that you or your company should consider, before making the decision of a possible investment. Brett Parker Public Cloud This type of storage has few restrictions on access to information. For having a company dedicated to their care, the maintenance that you must do to your account is minimal and also the risks of losing information are low, since they have a good level of security. This is the option most used by users of this type of storage, due to its low or no cost and ease. Some of the most common are Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud, Soundcloud, among others. In summary, Brett Parker sap tells us that we could say that public cloud storage is ideal for personal use, small entrepreneurs and marketing professionals who are beginning to build their portfolio. Brett Parker Private Cloud
May 13, 20205480
Brett Parker Sap Cloud Storage Requirements
Brett Parker Sap assures us that the cloud is a safe place, he doubts that many netizens still use it, that's why we tell you a little more about this system below. The amount of information that the Internet brought with it created the need for very different tools than we were used to a few decades ago. Cloud storage is an example. It has been thanks to cloud storage that, today, things as simple as changing computers have become much easier processes. Businesses have also benefited, for example, by always having information about their business available anywhere. Ensuring that your critical business data is kept safe, secure and available is critical. When considering cloud data storage, there are several fundamental requirements. Brett Parker Sap Cloud Availability All data should be available when needed, but there is a difference between production data and files. Ideal cloud storage provides the ideal balance between recovery times and cost.
May 12, 20206060
Brett Parker Sap - What is cloud storage?
A simple, trusted, and scalable data storage, retrieval, and sharing method Discover the benefits of transferring your storage to the cloud. Brett Parker sap -What is cloud storage? Cloud storage is a cloud computing model that stores data on the Internet through a cloud computing provider that manages and operates cloud storage as a service. Brett Parker explains that it delivers on demand with timely capacity and cost, and eliminates the need to purchase and manage your own data storage infrastructure. This gives you agility, global scale and durability with access to data anytime, anywhere. Brett Parker sap How does cloud storage work? Cloud storage is purchased from an external cloud provider that owns and operates data storage capacity and distributes it over the Internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. Brett Parker explains that these cloud storage providers manage the capacity, security, and durability to make their applications around the world accessible to data. Applications gain access to cloud storage using traditional storage protocols or directly through an API. Many providers offer add-on services designed to help collect, manage, protect, and analyze data on a large scale. Brett Parker sap tells us about the 3 most important benefits that cloud storage offers us, such as: Total cost of ownership. With cloud storage, there is no need to buy hardware, store to pro
May 11, 20206480
Brett Parker SAP What is the cloud and how does it improve your business processes?
Surely you have ever heard of the term cloud and it has caught your attention. Many companies do not know all the secrets of the cloud and therefore do not consider that it can be a good choice when it comes to improving their business processes, so in this post we want to explain what the cloud is, what its growth forecasts are. and especially what advantages it has for your company.
Mar 30, 20205840
Brett Parker SAP -The benefits of integrating IoT into our daily lives
Brett Parker SAP -The benefits of integrating IoT into our daily lives What is the internet of things? There is more and more talk about the impact of the Internet of the Things (IoT) on our lives. Also about its effect on the labor market and, of course, the business one. Now how many really know what IoT is? How many people would know how to define it without fear of being wrong? Furthermore, how many would dare explain its operating mechanism? Something tells me that probably quite a few. For all these reasons, I suggest starting with the definitions ...
Mar 24, 20205770
Brett Parker Sap - Some Iot Benefits for Businesses
The "Internet of Things" (IoT) increasingly takes over the world around us, since in our day-to-day life, we have technological devices that connect everyday objects to the Internet through wireless networks. Thanks to the IoT, companies can know much better the performance of their customers, their interests and their problems, due to the data that these devices can provide them. With this amount of information we can create more personalized services or products. Likewise, coordination with our distributors and suppliers benefits, since, thanks to the IoT, we can anticipate before we run out of stock. Sensors can notify us when a product is running out so we can have a quick replenishment when necessary.
Mar 20, 20206470
Brett Parker SAP -Fourth industrial revolution: Health trendsTitle Text
The fourth revolution —or 4RI— has brought surprising advances for the health sector. Artificial intelligence, big data and precision medicine significantly improve access to services, but, at the same time, they pose important challenges for training and professional ethics, public policies and a new citizenship in health. Without a doubt, technology has permeated all aspects of modern life. Most people have some degree of relationship with the latest technological advances and live with this transformation. The digital revolution, hegemonic since the mid-20th century, is the support of the fourth industrial revolution —4RI or industry 4.0—, which is characterized by innovation based on the combination and integration of technologies. 4RI overcomes digitization and blurs the possible boundaries between physical, biological and digital dimensions and paradigms.
Mar 11, 20205950
Brett Paker SAP - The influence of technology in our daily lives
The telecommunication equipment, through which the information is transmitted, has been evolving and becoming an important part of our daily lives, we went from the telegraph to WhatsApp and the black and white television, which deserved its own space, to cell phones or High resolution tablets that can be taken to the bathroom.
Feb 17, 20205550
Brett Parker SAP - 4IR Technology
Brett Parker SAP - 4IR Technology
Jan 30, 20207310
Brett Parker SAP Technological pillars of Industry 4.0
The progress of systems development is bringing us closer and closer to smart cities or autonomous cars (SmartCar) that are safer and more efficient, providing people with unlimited mobility and the benefit will result both in personal and work levels.
Jan 30, 20207510
The Fourth Industrial Revolution-Historically the impacts of the different revolutions
Historically, the impacts of different industrial revolutions have always gone far beyond technology. Each of these revolutions has transformed entire systems, from their economic, social, political and even environmental aspects. In this way, we attend three revolutions before the current one. Each of them changed the basic energy sources, the type of more dynamic industrial activities, their location in the territory and the means of communication available to move goods, people and information.
Jan 22, 20205950
The cloud is not a physical entity, but a huge network of remote servers around the world that are connected to function as a single ecosystem.
Jan 17, 20205190
Brett Parker SAP - The Fourth Industrial Revolution: a dangerous jungle or a fruitful forest?
The fourth industrial revolution as the next great "wave" of economic activity and innovation for good. Could you end our addiction to fossil fuels?The effect that the integration of the different areas in which this revolution is developing may have, such as Cyber-Physical Systems, Additive Manufacturing, Cloud Computing, Collaborative Robotics, Big Data or Augmented Reality; especially with the integration between all of them, they will generate new developments of products, services or processes that will reduce fossil fuel needs. On the one hand, the use of the Internet of Things will cause greater traceability of the movement of materials and components that will generate a logistic optimization to reduce transport costs by minimizing the movement routes and their flows; but in addition, alternative technologies may be developed in the field of renewables by using additive manufacturing technologies that allow new products to be obtained more efficiently or with a systemic conception that is also different.
Jan 14, 20205441
The fourth Industrial Revolution is based on three historical processes that marked a change in the economy, technology and world order. In the middle of the 18th century, the first great Industrial Revolution took place with the arrival of the steam engine and hydraulic energy and process mechanization broke through, which allowed the income not only to depend on agriculture but to be articulated with the companies.
Dec 27, 20195590
Professions attend an unprecedented transformation. It is estimated that more than 100 million jobs will be created in the coming years, on behalf of the Fourth Industry Revolution, but what is it? and how does it benefit us? But what is the fourth industrial revolution? When will it start And how should we prepare? These are just some of the questions surrounding this important transformation, which is only compared to the changes brought by the steam engine, the electric bulb and the computers.
Dec 27, 20195990
Brett Parker - Fourth Industrial Revolution
Fourth Industrial Revolution, surely these are 3 words that you are listening to very often lately, and that is, yes, we have to admit that we are already starting to live the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” which worries many and makes them think of a future where the machines replace the work that people do today, so in this article we will review some changes that have occurred in previous industrial revolutions and you will see how they have been necessary for our lives.
Dec 24, 20195210
Brett Parker- Stages of the Industrial Revolution
The First Industrial Revolution spanned Europe and North America, from the mid-18th century until the late 19th century. The aforementioned was a period in which agrarian and rural societies began to become industrial and urban. The iron and textile industries, together with the development of the steam engine, played a central role in the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Dec 24, 20198960
The Internet of things is a concept that refers to the digital interconnection of everyday objects with the Internet that facilitate the collection of data from portable medical devices, cars, appliances to home attendants But all the information that is collected has to be stored in somewhere, you know which one? We tell you all about IoT and the so-called cloud computing!
Dec 23, 20195640
Brett Parker SAP - The Fourth Industrial Revolution is now a reality PT 2
The change begins in the factories themselves, since these have been adapted to the manufacturing needs of the new products of the digital era, which require innovative processes.
Dec 19, 20195260
Brett Parker SAP - The Fourth Industrial Revolution is now a reality PT 1Title Text
Our society has lived several moments throughout history in which the application of a technology has meant a radical change in the way of producing, in such a way that it has completely transformed the quality of life of societies. In the first three industrial revolutions, technologies (steam, electricity and transistors) impacted productive capacity by reducing the constraints of force and automation. And greatly enhancing the manual capacity of the human being.
Dec 19, 20195070
Brett Parker SAP - What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Characterized by a fusion of technologies that are erasing the lines between the physical, the digital and the biological ”. But ... how did we get here? Let's quickly review the history and significant industrial revolutions to understand the progress we have made in business and industry in recent years.
Dec 13, 20195370
Brett Parker SAP - Role of cloud computing in IoT
In a decade, Cloud computing has begun to change the way businesses and businesses work and have helped connect the world in an expanding market. The cloud is making possible new functions that revolutionize technology, these features of the Internet of things are expanding rapidly and driving innovation in the cloud computing industry.
Dec 11, 20195630
Brett Parker SAP - Cloud Computing
Cloud computing, usually called “the cloud” involves delivering data, applications, photos, videos and other information over the Internet to data centers. IBM has divided cloud computing into six different categories.
Dec 11, 20194680
Brett Parker SAP - How to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution?
In the already initiated Fourth Industrial Revolution, the last to join is a losing insurance. What can I do, me or my company, to not fall behind and take advantage of technology to advance positions?
Dec 09, 20195380
Brett Parker SAP Fourth industrial revolution or digital transformation?
The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution ’will change the lives of people, companies and society as a whole. It will bring advantages for many, it will be harmful for not a few. What is it and what can we do to face it in the best possible way? A radical transformation The Fourth Industrial Revolution, according to Schwab, is a radical change in the productive system and in the way we interact with each other. It has already begun, but its progress will be faster and faster.
Dec 09, 20195960
Why is the Fourth Industrial Revolution happening?
In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the main factors of the amazing changes we are witnessing include the decreasing cost of computing and connected devices, the ease of implementation of AI algorithms, and the radical drop in the price of genetic sequencing.
Dec 03, 20194940
How does the Fourth Industrial Revolution impact the business?
4IR - According to an article published by the WEF, on the supply side, developments in energy storage, network technologies and real-time processing of customer and asset performance are factors that are transforming the models operational Meanwhile, on the demand side, customers value and expect personalized interaction throughout their experience as consumers.
Dec 03, 20196320
Brett Parker Sap
Brett Parker SAP ‘s Former CEO explains how everywhere you look you see how the world has evolved with mobile phones, computers, ipad, AI, robots, genetic engineering, and so many inventions that come out every day.These inventions grow on trees it seems. A new invention from all parts of the world. It never seems to amaze us how things change and evolve.