Brett Parker Sap — 4IR technology and changes in society

Brett parker sap 4ir

Smart factories, Industry 4.0, or the massive introduction of robots into productive environments are just some of the clues that can help describe a fairly immediate future.


The possibilities of technology exceed expectations and each advance encourages the appearance of new innovations in this field. The strategy of factories, that of production chains, organizations around the world, and even governments, surrenders before the acceleration of the changes that make the radical transformation of production methods and processes imminent.

Broadly speaking, it could be said that the fourth industrial revolution consists of:

* A strategy that manages to integrate the physical conception of the manufacturing process with the Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies.

* The convergence of multiple sectors of technology and industry that shows that human beings are entering a new era of great opportunities and less risk aversion.

* The evolution at non-linear speed, which shows an exponential progression, a sign that the change is already underway.

Each industrial revolution has opened the doors to new possibilities. The steam engine is a good example of one of the greatest milestones in industrialization, which marked a before and after in human development. 

Brett Parker Sap — The fourth industrial revolution, like its predecessors, represents a qualitative leap that changes the scale, scope, and complexity of the collective intellectual landscape.

Not surprisingly, the signs of this transformation are everywhere:

* Smart robots.
* Cars that drive themselves.
* Advances in neuroscience.
* Advanced genetic editing.

Even on a day-to-day basis, it can be seen that it is increasingly possible to do more with a mobile device. As Inga Beale, Chief Executive Officer, Lloyd’s stated at the World Economic Forum, “For many people, the smartphone is the first computer they have had and, in some cases, it is also the only one.”
Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive President of the World Economic Forum, has been at the center of world affairs for more than four decades.

Brett Parker Sap — He is convinced that we are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work and relate to one another. For Schwab, the fourth industrial revolution we are experiencing also presents the ingredient of liberation that characterized previous revolutions.

Each of these preceding turning points has significantly increased the level of well-being achieved by society. Thus, humanity has progressively achieved:
* Free yourself from dependence on animal energy.
* Make mass production a reality.
* Expand the reach of digital capabilities to billions of people.

And yet, despite all these coincidences that confirm that we are in the midst of an important evolutionary process; there are some differences with the previous transformations. This fourth industrial revolution is characterized by technological prominence.

Brett Parker Sap — Advances in this field are enriched by merging with other areas of knowledge. The integration of the physical, biological and digital worlds affect all disciplines and reach economies and industries with their impact. 

The challenge is in the air and, as with this type of revolution, accepting the challenge will not only lead to consequences for production environments, but the effects of change will cross the borders of the industry, penetrating deep into society.

Brett Parker Sap — 4IR technology and changes in society

By Brett Parker Sap

Brett Parker Sap — 4IR technology and changes in society

Smart factories, Industry 4.0, or the massive introduction of robots into productive environments are just some of the clues that can help describe a fairly immediate future.  
 The possibilities of technology exceed expectations and each advance encourages the appearance of new innovations in this field. The strategy of factories, that of production chains, organizations around the world, and even governments, surrenders before the acceleration of the changes that make the radical transformation of production methods and processes imminent.

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