• Minimal

  • Design Thinking - Instant Engineering for Any Idea

  • Tri-Cities Startup community 2021

    A summary of Fuse SPC's vision for Tri-Cities and how it relates to Boulder, CO

  • 2020

    An overview of the science of collaboration and the impact of Soundbite

  • myTRI 2030 Prosperity - 7/27/2020

  • Growth Tech 101

    An overview of technology for every solopreneur, small business, and non-profit to succeed in reaching more people, more consistently, with less stress.

  • The Future of Work

  • Code Careers - Starting with Video Games

    An introduction to thinking about creativity, how to cultivate those skills, and discussing careers in technology starting with video games

  • The Science of Space Odysseys

  • Fuse Design Thinking

    A 2 hour workshop on Design Thinking, powered by Fuse Business & Community Accelerator

  • 5 Kinds of Cloud Development

    A 100-level talk on the various models of Cloud Dev: Virtual Machines, Containers, Web Apps, Microservices, and Serverless

  • LiveTiles: Global Products & Brand

    A brief analysis of LiveTiles, how it built its brand, and how it delivers global products by Erik Ralston

  • Toby

  • Sales Machine: Tech Tools For Closing The Deal

    Building a sales team or scaling your sales process? Stuck using spreadsheets and email to keep your team on the same page? You need a sales machine. Erik Ralston, Co-founder of Fuse and Chief Architect at LiveTiles, will share possibilities and processes for using technology to make your sales team more consistent and connected. Learn about how to put your customers and deals in one place using HubSpot - the freemium "growth stack" of technologies for your whole sales and marketing team. Gather information on your prospects using ClearBit, tie things all together with Zapier, and more.

  • Make Something Event 2016

    Introduction for Show & Tell

  • LiveTiles Cloud Demo

  • Computer Science Discovery Camp - Day 2

  • Computer Science Discovery Camp - Day 1

  • Pitch Night: Opening a Pitch

    Key techniques for ensuring a good opening to your pitch

  • TC Launch Weekend - Sunday

    Tri-Cities Launch Weekend is a 54-hour business hackathon

  • TC Launch Weekend - Friday

    Tri-Cities Launch Weekend is a 54-hour business hackathon

  • TC Launch University: Business Model 2016

    Tri-Cities Launch University is your chance to take a crash course before you launch! Week #3 is about helping you capture how to make dollars from your dream.

  • Introduction to the Software Industry

    A brief introduction to the software industry by Erik Ralston

  • TC Launch University: Legal 2016

    Tri-Cities Launch University is your chance to take a crash course before you launch! This week deals with team, intellectual property, and money! The goal is to understand how to spot common potential issues and mitigate them with planning and communication.

  • TC Launch University: Customer Validation 2016

    Tri-Cities Launch University is your chance to take a crash course before you launch! This week deals with Customer Validation, using proof and not assumptions to move forward with your idea!

  • Launch University: Business Model 2016

    Tri-Cities Launch University is your chance to take a crash course before you launch! This week is about helping you capture how to make dollars from your dream.

  • TC Holiday Hackathon

    24-hours to make something new in apps, art, or anything

  • Software Engineer

  • Microsoft Samurai: Introduction to Typescript

    An introduction to Typescript, a typed superset of JavaScript for object-oriented client-side web apps

  • Tri-Cities Startup Community

    A summary of activities and opportunities to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Tri-Cities, WA

  • Microsoft Samurai: SQL Databases in the Cloud

    An introduction to using Microsoft SQL Server in Azure

  • Game Camp

    Final presentation slides from the WSU Summer STEM Camp for Game Development using Unity

  • Game Camp: Day 1

    An introduction to game camp

  • Microsoft Samurai: Data Architecture in the Cloud

    An introduction to blending database strategies in cloud-hosted web applications

  • Microsoft Samurai: Introduction to ASP.Net MVC

    A gentle introduction to ASP.Net MVC, an open source framework for building modern web apps on Microsoft platforms

  • How to Think Like a Programmer: Design Patterns

    Part 4, writing cliches of programmers and how to use them to communicate with your team and simplify your life - INCOMPLETE

  • How to Think Like a Programmer: Algorithms

    Part 3, how to conceptualize instructions into steps of a programming by defining problems correctly and thinking top-down

  • How to Think Like a Programmer: Data Structures

    Part 2, how to organize data in your program such that the code is as simple as possible

  • How To Think Programmer: Introduction

    Part 1, introducing a series of talks about how to learn core principles of computer science for people who don't think they are computer scientists

  • Tri-Cities Startup Community

    A summary of Tri-Cities Startup Community, prepared for TriConf 2014

  • Game Camp: Day 1 - Game Mechanics

    A short presentation on Game Mechanics, the atomic unit of game design

  • Game Camp: Day 1 - Games & Culture

    A short discussion on the history and cultural impact of games

  • 5 Useful Objective-C Tips & Patterns

    5 useful objective-c tips and patterns I've been using a lot lately. Varies between the universal and the specific.