Felix Xilef
Life's short, so I enjoy it the fullest
Una descripción de la Industria 4.0, definición, origen, que la compone y ejemplo de uso.
Based on What's IoT anyway? will introduce topics such as why IoT, IoT vs AI, IoT impact(digital tranformation) Everyone can develop IoT projects, Introduction to @IotMedellin community and more.
This presentation is to help with the steps to follow on the first workshop of the IoT Medellin community. The topics are: a. Fundamentos de Electronica Básica (enfocado al workshop) b. NodeMCU Teoría c. Blynk teoría d. Pasos del workshop e. Conclusiones
Photon is one of the IoT devices provided by Particle.io (an IoT platform that provides Hardware, Connectivity, Cloud solutions and Applications to create an IoT product throughout all the IoT chain). This slides are meant to show what steps to follow to start with the Photon device, but all the documentation can be found at the official Particle site: https://docs.particle.io/guide/getting-started/intro/photon/
Although the IoT development has been around for a while now, it's potential is just starting, and so, in order for a company to get into the business a development path must be traced.
This will show how we (Yuxi Global) approached successfuly an IoT need.
Although the IoT development has been around for a while now, it's potential is just starting, and so, in order for a company to get into the business a development path must be traced.
What's IoT anyway? First slides of a planned series aboiut IoT. Will discus generalities about the topic such as: Where does it come from? Some Fields of IoT, so far... First IoT Tech? Last IoT trending ...? Crazy use cases... Global Benefits vs risks IoT Skills.
Explicar porque es importante comunicarse efectivamente y como hacerlo, y como el juego de charadas ayuda en el proceso.