• ASP.NET Core Clean Architecture

    Best practices for Clean Code built with ASP.NET Core - .NET Conf 2019 Turkey

  • Impediments in Microservices Transformation Journey

    Devnot Developer Summit 2019 - http://summit.devnot.com/

  • Debugging & Profiling .NET Core Applications on Linux

    dotnet reconnect() developer conference 2018 - www.dotnetkonf.com

  • Microsoft Open Source Summit - 11.12.2018

    Microsoft Open Source Summit - 11.12.2018 Istanbul - msft.it/6013rhIqN

  • Debugging & Profiling .NET Core Applications on Linux

    dotnetKonf developer conference 2018 - www.dotnetkonf.com

  • Building Highly Scalable Distributed Applications with Actor Model

    Actor Model and Microsoft Project Orleans meetup.

  • Dotnet Core Day Seminar

    Logging, Caching and Localization in Asp.NET Core 2.0

  • Overview of .NET Core

    Introduction to .NET Core presentation at Trendyol tech talk.

  • Introduction to Orleans Virtual Actor Model

    Introduction to Orleans Virtual Actor Model presentation at Trendyol tech talk.

  • RabbitMQ and Message Queuing

    RabbitMQ and Message Queuing presentation at Devnot Atölye - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rabbitmq-ve-message-queue-yaplar-tickets-34988908768

  • Overview of RabbitMQ

    Overview of RabbitMQ presentation at Trendyol tech talk.