• The Art of Node/JS Dependency Management

  • deck

  • taiwind + react query

  • Conquer The Command Line

  • The STATE of the web

  • Life After CS50

  • Git

  • Find your people

  • NPM, Yarn, Babel, Webpack

  • Copy of Talk: Beyond Custom Post Types - Building an Organizational News Site with WordPress

    Slides for WordCamp Fayetteville 2017

  • Talk: Beyond Custom Post Types - Building an Organizational News Site with WordPress

    Slides for WordCamp Raleigh 2017

  • Managing state in frontend webapps with redux

  • Web Apps and Frameworks

  • Beyond SEO

    Tech Camp Memphis 2016

  • Accessibility 101

    A11Y The Technical Stuff

  • T

  • deck

  • Intro to Git

    A brief introduction to git for the sys-dev group

  • Front End Web Development

  • Designing for the Mobile Web

  • Customizing WordPress

  • Rapid Frontend Development

  • Open Source Software in Higher-Ed