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Get involved with tech stuff in Memphis

A bit about the
"tech scene"
in Memphis...

Tech User Groups


Most groups meet up on a monthly basis

  • Memphis WebWorkers
  • MemphisPHP
  • Memphis Python
  • WordPress
  • Machine Learning/DataScience/R
  • Tech Lunches
  • Code Together
  • Game Dev
  • SQL (PASS)
  • ...And More!!

When art critics get together they talk about form and structure and meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine.


- Picasso

User groups give practicing tech enthusiasts to get together and talk about the things they want to talk about.

Annual Events

  • GiveCamp
  • HackMemphis
  • TechCamp (Stay tuned for a new conference coming in 2019!)
  • ...And more

Active Tech Groups in Memphis

Lots of people in town are getting together to promote tech careers and pride in Memphis


  • Memphis Technology Foundation
  • Fedex Institute of Technology
  • Code Connective
  • Tech901
  • CodeCrew
  • Black Girls Code
  • Midsouth Makers
  • ...And More





Stay tuned for cool logo, website, and social media!

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By gpspake

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  • 875