Linguist. MozNative. MozCo. ReMo.
The new Firefox Meet Firefox Quantum. Fast for good.
Introducing the Firefox 57 Campaign. During this campaign we ask our local communities to gather together and ensure that Firefox will run seamlessly in their regions.
Mozilla's Open IoT Studio and Common Voice by Mozilla
Activismo Digital de/en Lenguas Indígenas
Desafíos tecnológicos #Activismolenguaspe
Presentation for the meeting of activists of indigenous languages in Peru. Localization process.
Grupo en Facebook 'Activismo digital de lenguas indígenas', segunda presentación del taller sobre uso de redes sociales.
Taller sobre el grupo en facebook 'Activismo digital de lenguas indígenas' ( Perspectivas, intereses, y planes de trabajo en torno al objetivo del grupo.
Native Mozilla project presentation. Translations Tools Mozilla in native languages of latin america.
L10n exercise for native languages. Mozilla Native