• Introduction into smart contracts developlent

  • Vision for Mysterium 2.0

    Introduction into Mysterium Network 2.0

  • Introduction into Mysterium Network payments system

  • AMA

    After a couple of years on testnet, we are finally going to release mainnet Mysterium Network with real peer to peer payments system built into the protocol. We will address all questions within our AMA.

  • Mysterium Network introduction

  • Payment processor stack

    Components and potential attack vectors of payment processor. Initial look.

  • Hermes protocol - Lightweight solution for high throughput micropayments

  • Micro payments

  • Innovations in Bitcoin or why Bitcoin is till best cryptocurrency

  • Python in Blockchain: Tools and Possibilities

  • Programmable money is key for decentralisation

    Is blockchain the only or at least best solution for decentralisation? Or it's just next hype?

  • JavaScript in Blockchain

  • Python in Blockchain

  • Ethereum use cases

  • GraphQL on PHP meetup

  • GraphQL on Python meetup

  • Intro into modern UI development

  • GraphQL