
MainNet AMA

July 8th, 2020

Mysterium Network

MainNet lauch roadmap

A few key achievements

  • 15.000+  MAU
  • 40+ countries
  • 600+ nodes

A few key achievements

NAT improvements: disconnections dropping from 80% to less than 20% in the last 6 months.


Reddit questions first, Youtube comments next

Product questions


Marketing questions


Token / Exchanges


You have lost over 40% of nodes in the last 6 months.

You constantly and consistently release software without testing it.

You have lost over 40% of nodes in the last 6 months.

We actually see increase in node amount!

Your windows software doesn’t work still even after the latest release.

Every release something new gets broken.

You constantly and consistently release software without testing it.

We usually release RC (release candidates) before releasing stable versions of node.

You constantly and consistently release software without testing it.

We will do the same for desktop app.  

Your windows software doesn’t work still even after the latest release.

Node runners are at risk of exposing themselves, a myst runner even had a legal claim put against them in Germany for transmission of copyrighted material. Imagine it being worse?

  • Recomendations for node runners
  • Traffic slicing


Entry nodes

Exit nodes

The Internet

pre setup tunnels

Which traffic type did the legal claim in Germany come from?

Will there be any limitation in which countries nodes can be run on mainnet?


How about those “Special users” used in last year’s use case test

Project team members want to remain anonymous...

Will the price for the service be paid in MYST tokens?


The payment will be in MYST tokens, and if the rate changes, how and who will equalize the volatile MYST price for using the VPN service so that for the end consumer one remains at the same level in the USD (so, the users will predict prices)?

Is it possible for the provider to fix the cost of the service in relation to dollar?

If so, who provides the exchange rate to dollar?

Is it DEX oracles or something?

Any plans for MYST token staking-system, to stimulate HODL?

Some form of staking already here

  • Each Hermes hub has to stake a lot.
  • Node runners should have at least some stake in payment channels.
  • Registration fee is something like staking/burning.

How do you feel about the idea of setting a fixed percentage (about 5%) of coin burning in the protocol?

Will be a subscription-based model (99 MYST per month unlimited)? or VPN consumed volume-based model (99MYST for 10 Gb VPN bandwidth)?

Hermes protocol is build to support

"pay as you go" model.

But it is possible to a built a subscription-based solution on top of Mysterium Network.

Check Portals VPN

How will you deal with the volatility of the token?

What is the value of the token?

Are you planning to launch something like DAO to share responsibility and protocol development management?

Or is a corporate venture model closer to the project?

When will the marketing start? What are your marketing plans? What you will do to attract even more audience?

What exchanges will be in the near future??

How can you reach the team with questions?


By Jaro


After a couple of years on testnet, we are finally going to release mainnet Mysterium Network with real peer to peer payments system built into the protocol. We will address all questions within our AMA.

  • 895