co-log: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging
Picnic: put containers into a Backpack
Slides for talk about Backpack interface for containers.
Haskell Lecture 04: Kinda monoidal types
Lecture about forall keyword, RankNTypes, kinds several standard type classes: Semigroup, Monoid, Foldable.
Haskell Lecture 03: Data types
Lecture about type aliases, algebraic data types, record syntax, type classes and module system .
Haskell Lecture 02: Basic syntax
Lecture contains basic Haskell syntax constructions such as function definitions, simple keywords, polymorphism, lists with some juice, HOF's, currying, application and composition with comparison to other languages. Also introduces fun laziness.
Многопоточное программирование на Haskell
Презентация-обзор возможностей многопоточного программирования на Haskell