co-log: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging

HASKELL.SG: 6 Dec 2018

by Dmitrii Kovanikov

About me

What I do

Haskell Adept at Holmusk  (present)


Haskell Software Developer at Serokell  (2016-2018)

Haskell Lecturer at the ITMO University (2015-2018)

Cofounder, Mentor, Developer at Kowainik  (free time)


What this talk about?

  New and unexplored earlier approach for logging with the help of standard typeclasses that fit naturally to the solution. 

Decomposing logging task

What to log: text, message data type, JSON

 Where to log: to the terminal, to some file, to an external service

 How to format the output: coloured text or JSON

 How to log: with logger rotation, only to stderr or something else

 What context to work in: pure or some IO

Core data type

                  ┌── monad to perform logging in
                  │  ┌── type of message to log
                  │  │
newtype LogAction m msg = LogAction
    { unLogAction :: msg -> m ()
logStringStdout :: LogAction IO String
logStringStdout = LogAction putStrLn

Simple examples

logStringStderr :: LogAction IO String
logStringStderr = LogAction $ hPutStrLn stderr
logPrint :: Show a => LogAction IO a
logPrint = LogAction print

Why not?

type LogAction m msg = msg -> m ()

How to use LogAction?

-- very handy operator
infix 5 <&
(<&) :: LogAction m msg -> msg -> m ()
(<&) = coerce

2. Put inside ReaderT environment

1. Pass explicitly as an argument

example :: LogAction IO String -> IO ()
example log = do
    log <& "Application started..."
    threadDelay 5_000_000
    log <& "Job's done!"

To be covered later


instance Applicative m => Semigroup (LogAction m a) where
    (<>) :: LogAction m a -> LogAction m a -> LogAction m a
    LogAction log1 <> LogAction log2 = LogAction $ \a -> log1 a *> log2 a

Semigroup: perform multiple actions for the same message

logStringOutErr :: LogAction IO String
logStringOutErr = logStringStdout <> logStringStderr

Monoid: empty action that does nothing

instance Applicative m => Monoid (LogAction m a) where
    mempty :: LogAction m a
    mempty = LogAction $ \_ -> pure ()

Useful for disabling logging


class Contravariant f where
    contramap :: (a -> b) -> f b -> f a

Contravariant: consume messages of different types

instance Contravariant (LogAction m) where
    contramap :: (a -> b) -> LogAction m b -> LogAction m a
    contramap f (LogAction action) = LogAction (action . f)
data Message = Message
    { messageText :: String
    , messageTags :: [Tag]

Formatting messages

formatMessage :: Message -> String
logStringStdout :: LogAction IO String
logStringStdout = LogAction putStrLn
logMessageStdout :: LogAction IO Message
logMessageStdout = contramap formatMessage logStringStdout


cmapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> LogAction m b -> LogAction m a
cmapM f (LogAction action) = LogAction (action <=< f)
contramap f (LogAction action) = LogAction (action  .  f)
cmapM     f (LogAction action) = LogAction (action <=< f)

Compare with contramap

Call additional actions

data Message = Message
    { messageText :: String
    , messageTime :: UTCTime
withTime :: String -> IO Message
withTime txt = do
    now <- getCurrentTime
    pure (Message txt now)
logMessageStdout :: LogAction IO Message
logUTCStringStdout :: LogAction IO String
logUTCStringStdout = cmapM withTime logMessageStdout


cfilter :: Applicative m => (msg -> Bool) -> LogAction m msg -> LogAction m msg
cfilter p (LogAction log) = LogAction $ \msg -> when (p msg) (log msg)

Filter by Severity

data Severity = Debug | Info | Warning | Error
    deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Message = Message
    { messageSeverity :: Severity
    , messageText     :: String
logMessageStdout :: LogAction IO Message
logWarningMessageStdout :: LogAction IO Message
logWarningMessageStdout = cfilter 
    (\(Message sev _) -> sev >= Warning)


class Contravariant f => Divisible f where
    conquer :: f a
    divide  :: (a -> (b, c)) -> f b -> f c -> f a
instance Applicative m => Divisible (LogAction m) where
    conquer :: LogAction m a
    conquer = mempty

    divide :: (a -> (b, c)) -> LogAction m b -> LogAction m c -> LogAction m a
    divide f (LogAction logB) (LogAction logC) =
        LogAction $ \(f -> (b, c)) -> logB b *> logC c

Divisible: log both types of messages if you know how to log each one


class Divisible f => Decidable f where
    lose   :: (a -> Void) -> f a
    choose :: (a -> Either b c) -> f b -> f c -> f a
instance Applicative m => Decidable (LogAction m) where
    lose :: (a -> Void) -> LogAction m a
    lose f = LogAction (absurd . f)

    choose :: (a -> Either b c) -> LogAction m b -> LogAction m c -> LogAction m a
    choose f (LogAction logB) (LogAction logC) =
        LogAction (either logB logC . f)

Decidable: decide what to log depending on the message

Combinatorial (1 / 2)

data Engine = Pistons Int | Rocket

data Car = Car
    { carMake   :: String
    , carModel  :: String
    , carEngine :: Engine }
(>$<) :: Contravariant f => (b -> a) -> f a -> f b
(>*<) :: Divisible     f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
(>|<) :: Decidable     f => f a -> f b -> f (Either a b)
(>*)  :: Divisible     f => f a -> f () -> f a
(*<)  :: Divisible     f => f () -> f a -> f a
stringL :: LogAction IO String
showL   :: Show a => LogAction IO a
constL  :: String -> LogAction IO a
intL    :: LogAction IO Int
engineToEither :: Engine -> Either Int ()
engineToEither = \case
    Pistons i -> Left i
    Rocket    -> Right ()

carToTuple :: Car -> (String, (String, Engine))
carToTuple (Car make model engine) = (make, (model, engine))

Combinatorial (2 / 2)

carL :: LogAction IO Car
carL = carToTuple
  >$< (constL "Logging make..." *< stringL >* constL "Finished logging make...")
  >*< (constL "Logging model.." *< stringL >* constL "Finished logging model...")
  >*< ( engineToEither
    >$< constL "Logging pistons..." *< intL
    >|< constL "Logging rocket..."
ghci> carL <& Car "Toyota" "Corolla" (Pistons 4)
Logging make...
Finished logging make...
Logging model..
Finished logging model...
Logging pistons...


class Functor w => Comonad w where
    extract :: w a -> a
    extend  :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
newtype Traced m a = Traced { runTraced :: m -> a }

instance Monoid m => Comonad (Traced m) where
    extract :: Traced m a -> a
    extract (Traced ma) = ma mempty

    extend :: (Traced m a -> b) -> Traced m a -> Traced m b
    extend f (Traced ma) = Traced $ \m -> f $ Traced $ \m' -> ma (m <> m')
extract :: Monoid msg => LogAction m msg -> m ()
extract (LogAction action) = action mempty

    :: Semigroup msg
    => (LogAction m msg -> m ())
    -> LogAction m msg
    -> LogAction m msg
extend f (LogAction action) =
    LogAction $ \m -> f $ LogAction $ \m' -> action (m <> m')
type LogAction m msg = Traced msg (m ())

Logging with context

ghci> :{
ghci| f :: LogAction IO String -> IO ()
ghci| f (LogAction l) = l ".f1" *> l ".f2"
ghci| g :: LogAction IO String -> IO ()
ghci| g (LogAction l) = l ".g"
ghci| :}
ghci> logStringStdout <& "foo"

ghci> extend f logStringStdout <& "foo"

ghci> extend g (extend f logStringStdout) <& "foo"

Real-world example

What co-log has

class HasLog env msg m where
    getLogAction :: env -> LogAction m msg
    setLogAction :: LogAction m msg -> env -> env

Lens-like typeclass

type WithLog env msg m = (MonadReader env m, HasLog env msg m, HasCallStack)

mtl-like type

logMsg :: forall msg env m . WithLog env msg m => msg -> m ()
logMsg msg = do
    LogAction log <- asks getLogAction
    log msg

General logging function

Messages type + extras

data Message = Message
    { messageSeverity :: Severity
    , messageStack    :: CallStack
    , messageText     :: Text }

Logging function for Message

log :: WithLog env Message m => Severity -> Text -> m ()

What you need to implement

ReaderT environment

data Env m = Env
    { envPort      :: Port
    , envLogAction :: LogAction m Message

ReaderT monad

newtype App a = App
    { runApp :: ReaderT (Env App) IO a 
    } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader (Env App))
smsSendTestHandler :: (MonadSms m, WithLog env Message m) => Phone -> m ()
smsSendTestHandler phone = do
    log D $ "Sending test sms to: " <> show phone
    sendSms phone "Test message"

Looks like this

HasLog instance

instance HasLog (Env m) m Message where
    getLogAction = envLogAction
    setLogAction newAction env = env { envLogAction = newAction }

Real example of LogAction


1. All logging messages go to terminal.

2. Configure lower Severity threshold for terminal messages.

3. All messages with severity Warning or higher should go to DB.

logMessageApp :: Severity -> LogAction App Message
logMessageApp lowerSev = logMessageStdout lowerSev <> logMessageDB
logMessageStdout :: MonadIO m => Severity -> LogAction m Message
logMessageStdout lowerSeverity =
      cfilter (\(Message sev _) -> sev >= lowerSeverity)
    $ cmapM addTimestamp
    $ cmap formatMessage logTextStdout
logMessageDB :: LogAction App Message
logMessageDB = cfilter (\(Message sev _) -> sev >= Warning) (LogAction logToDB)
    logToDB :: Message -> App ()
    logToDB msg =
        -- insert message into your favourite DB

Real module: 20 LOC for logging configuration

Not covered cool features

Dependent Types + OverloadedLabels + Extensible Records

defaultFieldMap :: MonadIO m => FieldMap m
defaultFieldMap = fromList
    [ #threadId (liftIO myThreadId)
    , #utcTime  (liftIO getCurrentTime)
type family FieldType (fieldName :: Symbol) :: Type
type instance FieldType "threadId" = ThreadId
type instance FieldType "utcTime"  = UTCTime
newtype MessageField (m :: Type -> Type) (fieldName :: Symbol)
    = MessageField (m (FieldType fieldName))
type FieldMap (m :: Type -> Type) = TypeRepMap (MessageField m)

* a little bit of magic *

data RichMessage (m :: Type -> Type) = RichMessage
    { richMessageMsg :: Message
    , richMessageMap :: FieldMap m

Output example


Worlds of logging in Haskell by Vitaly Bragilevsky

Kowainik: typerep-map step by step by Veronika Romashkina

co-log: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging

By Dmitrii Kovanikov

co-log: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging

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