• Animal v Artifact

  • Native Mesh Searchlight

  • SNL 2022

  • Copy of deck

  • deck

  • Biophysics Seminar

    This is the presentation I gave for RIP

  • RIP_October_2021

    This is the presentation I gave for RIP

  • SNL 2021 Slides

  • Theoretical Underpinnings of Concept Representation

    This week I present: 1) The within subject rank-ordering metric for CAT data -- 2) DSM within subject metric

  • ECP Update

  • Noise Ceiling Resolution

  • RIP_JUNE_2021

    this is my 2021 research in progress presentation

  • ECP Update

    ECP Update

  • VAE-GAN Brain Decoder Paper

    This is a slide deck I made for a journal club presentation. It presents an arxiv pre-print that tries to "decode human imagination"

  • Paper Pres: Reverse Engineering Cortical Architecture

    This is a paper I presented for lab meeting going over a paper that created different computational models. This paper was originally seen as a poster at SNL

  • Non-Trivial Information Closure

  • RIP_July_2020