Language Modeling

Stephen Mazurchuk

(From Brodmann K: Vergleichende Lokalisation lehre der Grosshirnrinde in ihren Prinzipien dargestellt auf Grund des Zellenbaues, Leipzig, 1909, JA Barth.)

Language Imaging


  • Our Questions
    • Concept representation and retrieval
    • (Phonological representation and retrieval)
    • Aphasia diagnosis, classification, and treatment
    • Language lateralization
    • Preoperative language mapping and network abnormalities in epilepsy
  • Our Tools
    • Structural and fMRI
    • Cognitive and psychophysical measures
    • Computational modeling
    • MEG, TMS, tDCS


Where is word meaning?


The Flourens concept of the intellect as single unity, claiming equivalence of all brain areas, has long proved untenable. […] However, primary functions alone, can be referred to specific cortical areas. […] The cerebral surface is a mosaic of such primary elements whose properties are determined by their anatomical connections to the body-periphery. All processes which exceed these primary functions (such as synthesis of various perceptions into single concepts and the more complex functions such as thoughts and consciousness) are dependent upon the fiber bundles connecting different areas of the cortex.

Wernicke. (1874). Der Aphasiche Symptomencomplex.

Modern Tools

  • We can investigate representations in the brain based on how bloodflow changes when people read a word in the MRI scanner



  • The word is read multiple times, and we then regress out the magnitude of blood-flow change in a volume (voxel) of the brain when they read a particular word

Main Points So Far

  • Functional Localization
    • General Frameworks
      • Lesion Symptom Mapping, fMRI
  • Key Points
    • It is documented that categories have some degree of spatial localization in the brain
  • Hypothesis:
    • Categories spatially localize based on where (anatomically) the relevant modality specific streams intersect 


  1. What is responsible for spatially localized category representation in the brain?
  2. Where in the brain do different streams of unimodal information intersect/integrate?


Main Points So Far

  • Functional Localization
    • General Frameworks
      • Lesion Symptom Mapping, fMRI
  • Key Points
    • It is documented that categories have some degree of spatial localization in the brain
  • Hypothesis:
    • Categories spatially localize based on where (anatomically) the relevant modality specific streams intersect 


  1. What is responsible for spatially localized category representation in the brain?
  2. Where in the brain do different streams of unimodal information intersect/integrate?


  1. What is responsible for spatially localized category representation in the brain?

Experiential Attributes

Please take this brief survey

Rating Based Theories

  • Propose that concepts are composed of primitive components of meaning
    • These features are "embodied" in the perception, action and other modal systems
  • Our lab proposed and collected ratings for a set of 65 experiential attributes based on known functional divisions in the brain

Average ratings for some categories of words

Binder, JR. (2016). Cognitive Neuropsychology 

  • Events and objects separate  cleanly from the ratings


  • Behavioral ratings do well at capturing natural categories

Clustering Analysis


  • Experiential ratings inform us about what is important for concepts
  • Need to us fMRI to tell us where in the brain these concepts are represented

Suppose we have two models (or representations of the data). How do we compare them?

Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Voxel 1 Voxel 2 Voxel 3 Voxel 4 Voxel 5
Car .23 .58 .49 .78 .86
Airplane .98 .28 .34 .18 .52
Chicken .62 .82 .91 .36 .17

Model 2

Model 1

Representational Similarity Analysis

How we compare models?

Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Car Airplane Chicken


How we compare models?

Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Car Airplane Chicken
Car 1


How we compare models?

Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Car Airplane Chicken
Car 1 .62


How we compare models?

Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Car Airplane Chicken
Car 1 .62 .1


How we compare models?

Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Car Airplane Chicken
Car 1 .62 .1
Airplane 1 .12
Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Taste Shape Color
Car 0 4.2 4.9
Airplane 0 5.1 4.3
Chicken 5.5 2.2 2.2
Car Airplane Chicken
Car 1 .62 .1
Airplane 1 .12
Chicken 1
Voxel 1 Voxel 2 Voxel 3 Voxel 4 Voxel 5
Car .23 .58 .49 .78 .86
Airplane .98 .28 .34 .18 .52
Chicken .62 .82 .91 .36 .17
Voxel 1 Voxel 2 Voxel 3 Voxel 4 Voxel 5
Car .23 .58 .49 .78 .86
Airplane .98 .28 .34 .18 .52
Chicken .62 .82 .91 .36 .17
Car Airplane Chicken
Car 1 .42 .06
Airplane 1 .31
Chicken 1

Does it Work?

  • We can use this procedure to compare any set of models!


  • Two models we can compare are the visual similarities of the words and the \(\beta\) values regressed out!
    • A simple metric for visual similarity is percent overlap






Left Hemisphere

Right Hemisphere

*These responses aren't corrected for multiple-comparisons. The spurious correlations do not survive correction

RSA Searchlight - CREA65

SVM Searchlight - Events > Objects

Credit: Tony Tong

Other Aims

  • A major component of this project is the computational modelling of experiential features
    • Utilize datasets which contain thousands of video labelled video segments
  • Two general goals
    • Why do some categories have spatial localization?
    • How does the task influence spatial localization?

Visual input

Auditory input

Example of the detected action "blowing out candles"


  • Experiental ratings capture an important part of concept representation
  • We can use fMRI to study category localization
  • Look at conditions necessary to induce "spatial localization" of categories in artificial neural networks

Future Directions


Joseph Barbieri, PhD

Calvin Williams, MD, PhD

Nita Salzman, MD, PhD

Gil White, MD

Sid Rao, MD, PhD

Ann Moll

Kim Peplinksi

Language Lab:

Jeffrey Binder, MD

Leonardo Fernandino, PhD

Songhee Kim, PhD

Lisa Conant, PhD

Alex Helfand, PhD

Jia-Qing Tong


Matt Flister, PhD



Can I Interest you in some links?





  • Questions, comments, concerns?   \( \rightarrow \) 

Clinical Relevance

  • Currently, only approved clinical use of fMRI is for pre-surgical mapping
    • Improved mechanistic knowledge can minimize surgical morbidity
  • Do not know the intermediate representations that exist in the brain
    • Knowledge could help improve stroke/surgical prognosis ability
  • Unable to explain how abstract concepts are stored in the brain
    • Abstract words are the vast majority of our daily lexicon. Important to understand

Huth, A., de Heer, W., Griffiths, T. et al. Natural speech reveals the semantic maps that tile human cerebral cortex. Nature 532, 453–458 (2016).


By smazurchuk


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