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  • Wojciech Odrobina - Architecture 4.0

    Wojciech Odrobina - the real estate firm focused on the design and promotion of high-end homes, details how technology makes the use of resources in this niche more efficient.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - How can you innovate in architecture?

    Wojciech Oprobian comments that there is a very direct route that is that of the architectural object itself. I think that architects have always been concerned with this route. We like it, and it is almost innate in us.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - Innovation in Architecture

    Wojciech Oprobian tells us about the different ways we can innovate in architecture and not only think about sustainability and construction systems. THE ENVIRONMENT, CHANGE AND INNOVATION IN ARCHITECTURE In this article about change, we talk about several ways to deal with it. Fundamentally, of the denial of change, adaptation to it and anticipation. As we saw, denial is unsustainable. The environment will change, and refusing to see it will only lead us to stay out of reality. Adaptation would be the minimum measure to take since, at least theoretically, it would help us to survive. Obviously, anticipation will give us advantages. This is where innovation comes in. If we have this attitude of innovating, we will be anticipating change or even provoking it ourselve

  • Wojciech Odrobina - Changes in architecture after COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic that affected the entire world, transformed with its arrival in almost all sectors not only temporarily, but as a new way of living. Architecture, urban planning and interior design are no exception. It is not the first time that architecture as a discipline has been challenged by an emergency situation. The variables always present in these cases are the short time available to search for solutions, the shortage of money and materials, and the need for innovative construction systems.

  • Wojciech odrobina Architecture for children

    Wojciech Odrobina Less is more in minimalist architecture for children More does not always mean better, it can be less and much more functional or simply consider how a child can draw a house and from here start designing an architectural project for a nursery that enhances one of the greatest expressions known to all. Trying to portray and project what a child thinks when he draws a house with its simple shapes, without decorations, with basic colors and the sloping roof of a lifetime is not an easy task if we consider that doors do not even consider that doors or windows have frames.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - The role of modern architecture

  • Wojciech Odrobina - Architecture and Design For People With Disabilities

    Wojciech Odrobina Inclusive architecture is a variant of it that prevails the inclusion of disabled people through design, trying to generate accessibility in all kinds of spaces. In a world where inequality is commonplace, I find architecture as an integrating element, capable of offering and increasing possibilities ”Wojciech Odrobina Through universal design, this type of architecture tries to put habitability in constant contact with the planning of spaces. In this way, disability becomes a raison d'être of architecture and places the person (disabled or not) at the center of importance when designing. Inclusive and for everyone, that's what universal design thinks about. Adapted bathrooms, spacious interior doors, ramps for the disabled, any design that is suitable for the use of people is welcome for this current.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - The Architecture of Necessity

    Wojciech Odrobina - Architecture responds to the most basic needs of human beings. It provides both protection from the elements of nature as well as spaces for passion and play. Architecture marks the threshold between nature and culture - it is humanity's position in the world. Architecture is the history of human lives and the development of society, of economic, social and cultural relations. In the globalized media-controlled society, architecture is increasingly becoming an instrument for competition and convenience of locations.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - How does architecture influence educational processes?

    Wojciech Odrobina - Education is the most important pillar on which a society is laid - Wojciech Oprobian The greatness, evolution and development of a community dependent on how strong and defined are the values ​​on which its inhabitants have educated. Academic centers are, in many cases, the spaces where the first encounters of students with each other without the protection of parents take place, the settings for the first games, interactions and disputes, where the little ones meet for the first time. before a community, a mini-society.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - Foundations of creativity in architecture

    the vision of a leader who is an architect of spaces to bring out creativity, and that of an organization as an architectural work of creativity - Wojciech Odrobina All architectural works must be based on solid foundations so that the construction is sustained, maintained and can be seen. Wojciech Odrobina - Know some foundations of creativity

  • Wojciech Odrobina — What is the value of innovation in architecture?

    innovation is to generate or find ideas, select them, implement them and commercialize them.- Wojciech odrobina An architect may think that this innovation is very good for some companies, which may earn money from the innovation. It is reasonable to ask yourself a question: is it really worth it for an architect to dedicate himself to innovating? The answer begins by changing the verb. The important thing is to BE innovative, not dedicate yourself to innovation. The second question we ask ourselves is that the field of knowledge to which we are dedicated is so vast

  • Wojciech Odrobina How does an architect think?

    Wojciech Odrobina tells us how an architect thinks in this blog, which highlights the most common characteristics of architects. How does an architect think? We have once talked about the creativity of the architect as a crucial quality in our activity. Wojciech Odrobina comments that the profession of Architecture is a mix of diverse mental skills that is difficult to put together. So this time we are going to reflect on the mental functioning of the architect and, above all, what we can offer as a group and as individuals. But why is this important? Wojciech Odrobina comments that self-knowledge always is. It helps you understand your strengths and work on your areas for improvement. Furthermore, by knowing yourself you will be able to know others better and understand their needs. And that is what ours as architects is about, satisfying people's needs. We must offer useful concrete things for people, and for this, what better than to analyze how an architect thinks.

  • Wojciech Odronina Innovation in Architecture

    Wojciech Odrobina tells us that A work can be innovative in many aspects in isolation, or it can innovate in all of them, and become paradigmatic. You can bring something new by the materials you use, or by the way you use familiar materials. It can dazzle with its formal or structural boldness. Or give a twist to the functional program, allowing yourself to inhabit, walk or use in a different way than usual. It can also surprise us with the relationship it establishes with the environment in which it takes root. In my opinion it is a subject that as architects should matter a lot to us, since more than bad one of the main tools in our profession should be innovation, and basically it is what we studied for long years. Clearly, as in any activity, there are more innovative people than others, whether in design, business model, or in the execution of projects - says Wojciech Odrobina

  • Wojciech Odrobina Technology in Architecture

    Wojciech Odrobina, the renowned architect, tells us a bit more about the technology that we have available today in the construction industry and they facilitate architecture in an incredible way. The technology that is available today in the construction industry has managed to reduce construction times, through structures and materials that allow building with speed. Architecture has always been defined by the technology available at the time, from the simplest, empirically built with the elements available in a rural area, to the skyscrapers that change the structure of the most famous cities, thanks to technological advances and man's creativity, achieving buildings of inconceivable proportions in the past, such as the Burj Khalifa, with its 828 meters high. But never, at any time in history, has architecture been governed as it is today by technology.

  • Wojciech Odrobina Architecture for society

    Is architecture important? It is; in fact, essential for the human being The architecture in addition to providing a place of protection for all human beings, also facilitates their day to day, as well as carrying out activities in conformable, safe and functional spaces.

  • Wojciech Odrobina What does a Architect?

    Unquestionably, Architecture is one of the oldest professions, which combines principles and concepts of Engineering with creativity and artistic expression. The main job of an Architect is to create, plan and design buildings for different purposes, including residential, commercial, industrial or urban landscaping. While the Engineers focus on finding solutions to the problems and coordinating the technical aspect of the construction process, the Architects present a clear guide to their vision of the building to be built; in other words, the architects give personality and artistic value to the different buildings.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - Importance of architecture in construction

    On a basic level, architecture is important to society because it provides the physical environment in which we live. At a deeper level, architecture provides an expression of human civilization in time, which then remains, as in the case of monuments, for study by future generations. Architecture is an expression of the true strength of a society, because the things that we humans value most are those that are almost irrevocable, almost «forever».

  • Wojciech Odrobina ARCHITECTURE

    In many dictionaries and writings on this subject, it is said that architecture is an art, in some it is mentioned that it is the art and technique associated with projecting, constructing and modifying living spaces. What is architecture? In reality, architecture is an excellent combination of knowledge, which allows the specialized person, in this case, the architect, to delve into the needs of people and translate them into projects that mean spaces for their development, such as Example: houses, offices, shops, industries, recreation, culture, services dedicated to health, whether public or private, and all kinds of buildings with different uses and functions.

  • Wojciech Odrobina How many types of architecture are there?

    Have you ever looked at a building and wondered if it is Bauhaus or Modernist? Often the types of architecture and their styles build on each other, and in each past period the foundation for the advancement of the next culture is built. Just think of the lasting influence of the Egyptian pyramids or classical Greek temples.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - The Globalization of Architecture

    earn a little more about the globalization of architecture with the renowned architect wojciech odrobina The architects have freed themselves from the limitations, the idiosyncrasy, the typology of the place, the studies of the terrain, they are no longer barriers, the confidence in mass production techniques and the non-application of local resources have changed the philosophy of architecture .

  • Wojciech Odrobina Function and form in architecture

    The relationship between form and function is linked to Architecture and Engineering, as elements of social commitment and endless production, without end. Very often the professors of the different schools of architecture take our students to identify the function by its architectural form, combining both is the end product of any architectural project, always looking for the volume without forgetting the criteria and evaluation of their system structural and its functional solution.

  • Wojciech Odrobina Relationship between architecture and art.

    Architecture was considered a reflection of art in a certain time, which expressed culture and the way people perceived the world, establishing a history or an interpretation when they were contemplated. In the course of these last years there has been a strong controversy in concepts about what is the end of architecture and we are surprised by the answers, ranging from the development of form by form to the need to solve evils and future of society.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - How to Deliver a Complete Furniture Project to your client

    One of the modern trends in the real estate field is the integration of the furniture project still in the architectural plan. This means that, at the end of the project, the builder delivers to the client, not only the architectural project, but also the furniture. This is not always an easy task to carry out, so it is essential to create strategic partnerships with furniture stores so that the strategy becomes practical. In today's post you will understand how to make a complete furniture project integrated into the execution plan of the work.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - Everything you need to know about sustainable architecture

    The practice of sustainable architecture is not recent, but it has been gaining more and more strength with large international and national projects that follow the pillars of sustainability: social valorization, economic viability and the rational use of natural resources. In this post the architect Wojciech Odrobina tells us a little more about what is already considered the architecture of the future.

  • Wojciech Odrobina Architecture Reality of Life

    Architecture is present in the reality of life and, above all, in the daily life of citizens. The level of culture of a country, together with the education and sensitivity of citizens, is what enables us to live in a more harmonious society. That is why the declaration of these special days aims to help everyone, each in their field, to rethink the performance of their work in the best possible way to commit themselves to society with the objectives of responsibility that constitute the guarantee of citizens' future of the world and its living space.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - Architecture, design and environment for a better quality of life.

    Times have changed and thinking of an architecture and design based on just satisfying the basic needs of its inhabitants, no longer applies.For this reason, the challenge facing a new real estate development consists not only of having a correct architectural design but also of an interior design that adapts to a concept, the functionality of the project and of course, that gives the user quality of life.

  • Wojciech Odrobina – Urban Design

    Wojciech Odrobina - Urban design is the collaborative and multidisciplinary process of shaping the physical environment for life in cities, towns and villages; the art of making places; Design in an urban context. It involves the design of buildings, groups of buildings, spaces and landscapes, and the establishment of frameworks and processes that facilitate successful development.

  • Wojciech Odrobina Professional to work

    Wojciech Odrobina Longford is a licensed professional to work on the planning and design of buildings, as well as provide advice, both aesthetically and technically, on objects built in our public and private landscapes. But this definition barely scratches the surface of an architect's role.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - About me

    The architect Wojciech Odrobina is a person trained in the planning, design and supervision of the construction of houses, projects and buildings. Practicing architecture means offering services related to the design and construction of a building or a space within which there are constructions with the main objective of human use and occupation. My mission as an architect is to ensure that each of our designs projects balance, proportion, harmony and comfort, both inside the space and on the external scale of our architectural work and thus meet the client's expectations through three concepts : cost, time and quality; providing added value to our work by offering excellent comprehensive advice. Wojciech Odrobina - RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS In the residential area we seek that our architecture is combined with the needs of our clients in order to achieve unique utilitarian spaces, with avant-garde styles and designs. Wojciech Odrobina - COMMERCIAL PROJECTS We put all our knowledge, experience and resources so that our projects exceed expectations, providing multiple solutions that combine design and harmony in functional spaces. Wojciech Odrobina - BIG PROJECTS We have developed various projects ranging from small, medium and large scale, thanks to the fact that we are backed by sufficient infrastructure and knowledge to overcome any challenge no matter how large it may be.

  • Wojciech Odrobina Longford- What is the architectural design?

    Wojciech Odrobina Longford says: architectural design is the concept that focuses on the components or elements of a structure or system and unifies them into a coherent and functional whole, according to a particular approach to achieve the objective (s) under the restrictions or limitations given.

  • Wojciech Odrobina - Architecture technique

  • Wojciech Odrobina- Purpose of the architecture


  • Wojciech Odrobina Carrick on Shannon-The 10 best applications to create house plans

  • An Insight Into The Professional Journey Of Wojciech Odrobina Ireland

    Know more about the professional journey of Wojciech Odrobina Ireland.