Mama, can we have chickens?

Reason #1

They're super cute

Reason #2

They eat all the bad bugs

According to an article on the website My Pet Chicken, chickens eat many pest insects such as:

  • Mozzies
  • Ticks
  • Fleas

Reason #3

They're green!

Chickens eat food scraps, which:

  • Reduces our carbon footprint
  • Saves landfill space
  • Reduces rubbish costs

Reason #4

They $ave us ton$ of money.

We consume two dozen eggs per week. This means:

  • Two chickens laying two eggs per day = 14 per week
  • At $9.00 per dozen, this saves:
    • $20 per fortnight
    • $80 per month
    • $1,000 per year
    • $5,000 over five years (the average lifespan of a chicken)

Reason #5

It's a good responsibility for the boys.

Over Christmas, we learned that the boys were quite good at this!

  • They took to their jobs quickly
  • They were caring and kind
  • They tidied up their messes

Reason #6

They do our weeding!

Chickens eat everything on the ground! This saves us:

  • Hours and hours of landscaping
  • Hundreds of dollars in landscaper fees
  • Getting one of those stupid weedeaters that Dada will just break.

Reason #7

You can put them in clothes and it's really cute.

I mean, come on.

But you have concerns...

We don't have room for them!

According to numerous chicken articles we read, this is a myth!

  • Many people raise chickens in the city
  • Chickens do not need grass
  • They are not loud and smelly

How much will this cost?!

Chicken coops start at under $200.

  • Numerous options available on TradeMe
  • Even cheaper if Dada does some DIY!
  • Chicken feed is around $2.00 / kg.
  • They pay for themselves in just three months.

What about Rocco?

Yeah, this would probably be annoying.

In closing...


By Aaron Carlino


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