Introduction to JavaScript


What is JavaScript?

"JavaScript is a high level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language."

Wikipedia - 

What is JavaScript?

  • Developed by Brendan Eich.
  • A programming language used by most, if not all, organizations when it comes to web development.  
  • Runs on all browsers.
  • JS is the de-facto lingua-franca for front end web.

Things you can do.

Learning Objectives

  • Arithmetic
  • Variables
  • Methods
  • Strings
  • Functions
  • **Arrays**
  • **Operators**

What to Expect

  • You will have rudimentary knowledge of JavaScript basics.
  • This will arm you with enough knowledge to take our "intermediate" level JavaScript course.
  • You will NOT have enough knowledge to learn a web framework.
  • You will NOT have enough knowledge to make a dynamic web page. 


> 1 + 2;

//Try the following:

> 4 - 3;
> 5 * 6;
> 10 / 2;
> 9 / 2;
> 9 % 2;
> 7 + 8 * 9;
> (7 + 8) * 9;
> 0/0;
> 0/4;


> var someNumber = 42;
  • someNumber is a variable we set to 42.
  • Use var keyword whenever you want to create a new variable.
  • In JavaScript, it's conventional to give variable names that start with lowercase letter, followed by capitalizing the first letter of subsequent words. This is called camelcase.

Variables Practice

//For reference
> var num1 = 42;   //assigns 42 to num1
> var num2 = 12;   //assigns 12 to num2
> var num3 = num1 + num2;  //adds num1 and num2 and assigns it to num3.  
> var num4 = num3;   //assigns num4 the value of num3.
> num1 = 21;         //num1's new value is 21. 
> num1;            //This will display the value of num1 (21) to the console.
  1. Create a variable called someNumber and set it equal to 100.
  2. Create a variable called favoriteNumber and set it equal to your favorite number.
  3. Create another variable called avisFavorite and set it to 21.
  4. Subtract your favorite number from mine and assign it to someNumber
  5. Create a variable called finalNumber and set it equal to 25 times someNumber.
  6. Display someNumber to the console.
  7. Display finalNumber to the console. 


> 2345.67.toExponential();
  • toExponential() is called a method. 
  • Think of it as a message you send to the number, and the result that JavaScript gives you as the number's response to that message. 
  • There are other methods (toFixed, valueOf, toPrecision, etc..) built into JavaScript.
  • More here:

Methods Continued

> 1.3368e3.toFixed();

toFixed() will round to the nearest whole number

> 1234.5.toFixed(2);
  • The 2 in the parentheses is an argument to the toFixed() method. 
  • Arguements provide a bit more information to methods to help them know what they're supposed to do. 
  • In this case, the argument was optional. 

Here's how we tell how many decimal places to use:

Methods Continued

> 4.12345.toPrecision(4);

toPrecision() defines how many total digits to display of the number.

> var someNumber = 1.337134
> someNumber.toPrecision(4);

You can also call a method on a variable, since the variable is a placeholder for the number assigned to it.

Method Practice

//For reference

> 456.2356.toFixed(2);   //Will display "456.24"
> 123.123.toPrecision(5); // Will display "123.12"
> 135.6236.toExponential(); //Will display "1.356236e+2"

/*The values returned by the methods are strings. I will explain strings (characters inside quotes) 
in the next slide. For now, if you stored the string value returned by the methods above into 
a variable, you will need to convert that value into a number. 
e.g. a = "123";            //a is being assigned a string, not a number.  
     a = parseFloat(a);    //this will convert the string to a number. Now you can call number methods on this. 
  1. Convert the following to exponential notation:
    • 4569.234 
  2. Convert it back.
  3. Have the number set to one decimal place.
  4. Repeat 1-3 for a variable set equal to any number you choose. 


> "Hello world!";
  • The stuff inside the quotes is called a string.
  • Strings can include letters, punctuation, and even numbers. 
> var myString = "Strings can contain characters like @, $, and %.";
  • We can set variables equal to strings.
  • We can call methods on strings.
> "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".toUpperCase();

Strings Continued

> var word = "Biggie";
> word.concat("Smalls");

We can call a method on a variable assigned to a string:

  • The concat() method (which concatenates, or combines, two strings) returns a string, which then has toUpperCase() called on it. 
  • toUpperCase() returns the final result. 
> "Tupac".concat("Shakur").toUpperCase();

We can even chain methods: 

Strings Continued

> "coding temple".charAt(5);

String methods can also take numbers as arguments for certain methods:

Computers start counting at zero, hence the reason why "g" was displayed instead of "n".

More about string methods here:

String Practice

  1. Set a variable equal to a string that is a greeting to your best friend.
  2. Call a method on that variable.
  3. Set another variable with a string in all uppercase.
  4. Call down toLowerCase() on the previous variable.
  5. Use Concat() to concat the two previous variables. 
  6. Now concatenate them using the shortcut.
  7. Find the character at the third position in either of the variables. (Hint: counting is off by one)
  8. Try out a few other methods from:
//For Reference
> var ct = "coding temple";  //this will assign "coding temple" to variable ct.
> var hw = "hello world";    //this will assign "hello world" to variable hw.
> ct.toUpperCase();          //this will return "CODING TEMPLE". It will NOT change the value of ct.
> hw.concat(ct);             //this will return "coding templehello world".  It combines two strings together.
> hw + " " + ct;             //this will return "coding temple hello world". It does the same as above, but adds a space between.


  • alert() is a function.
  • A function is something that performs an action. 
  • Just like a method, a function can take arguments.
> prompt("What is love?");

Try this:

Functions Continued

> var favoriteSong = prompt("What is your favorite song?"); //I'll type "Barbie Girl"
> favoriteSong;
"Barbie Girl"
  • The prompt function asks the user for an input.
  • The response from the user is returned as a string from the function.
  • That response is then assigned to a variable. 

Try this:

> confirm("Annie, are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?");
//+1 for those who know the artist. 

Functions Practice

  1. Use alert() to pop up a dialog box with a warning for the user. The warning message can be anything.
  2. Use confirm() to ask a yes or no question.
  3. Use prompt() to ask a question. 
    • save the response to a variable and then run any string method of your choice on it (e.g. toUpperCase())

Writing Functions

> var greeting = function() { alert('Greetings from Coding Temple!'); };
> greeting();
  • greeting() pops up a dialog box with text in it. 
  • Just like how we assigned numbers and strings to variables, we can also assign functions to variables.
  • Whenever you call the function. The code within the enclosing brackets gets executed.

Writing Functions Continued

> var giveAlert = function(theMessage) { alert(theMessage); };
  • The argument to the function is the long string. 
  • The argument is assigned to a variable named theMessage - we call that variable a parameter.
  • The parameter can then be used just like any other variable.  

Writing Functions Continued

> var add = function(num1, num2){ return num1 + num2; };
> add(2, 3);
  • The return keyword returns the result from the function. Without it, JavaScript will return undefined
  1. We call the add function with arguments 2 and 3.
  2. The parameters num1 and num2 are set to the values passed in. num1 = 2 and num2 = 3. 
  3. The code within the function is run. In this case, 2 + 3 is run. 
  4. The result is then returned.

Writing Functions Continued

> var add = function(num1, num2){ return num1 + num2; };
> add(2, 3);
  • The return keyword returns the result from the function. Without it, JavaScript will return undefined
  1. We call the add function with arguments 2 and 3.
  2. The parameters num1 and num2 are set to the values passed in. num1 = 2 and num2 = 3. 
  3. The code within the function is run. In this case, 2 + 3 is run. 
  4. The result is then returned.

Writing Functions Practice

//For reference
> var add = function(num1, num2){ return num1 + num2; };
> add(2, 3);
  1. Prompt the user for a name and return a greeting to them. e.g. "Hi Legolas!"
  2. Return the difference between two numbers
  3. Return the product of two numbers.
  4. Return the square of number.
  5. Return the cube of a number. 

Where to go from here?


Where to go from here?


(starts November 2015)

Where to go from here?

Khan Academy


Where to go from here?

JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development


Where to go from here?

Coding Temple

Intermediate JS Workshop

Thanks for attending!


  • An array stores a list of values.
  • You do not need to specify how many items you need in order to create it.
  • You can create an array and give it a name just like you would with any other variable.
  • Values are inside a pair of square brackets, separated by commas.
  • The values do not need to be the same type. 
  • Indexing is off by one.
> var colors;
> colors = ['white', 'black', 'custom'];
> colors[0]; //this will return "white". Indexing is off by one. 

Arrays Continued

> var numbers = [1,2,3,4];
> numbers.forEach(function(element){ console.log(element * element);})
//^The above will print out the square of each element. 

forEach() executes a provided function once per array element. 

var numbers = [1,2,3,4];

for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++){ console.log(numbers[i] * numbers[i]);}

^The above accomplishes the same functionality as forEach.

for() loop executes code within square brackets until a condition is reached.

JS Workshop

By avipatel91

JS Workshop

  • 897