1. Install gulp globally

$npm install --global gulp

2. Install gulp in project devDependencies

$npm install --save-dev gulp

3. Create a gulpfile.js
at the root of project

var gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('default', function() {
  console.log('this is the default task');

4. Run gulp


'this is the default task'

How it helps

  1. HTML Injection
  2. Keeping your browser in sync
  3. Building and organizing assets
  4. Caching HTML templates
  5. Creating a production build
  6. Minification and filtering
  7. Angular Dependency Injection
  8. Static asset revisions
  9. Unit Testing
  10. Integration testing

gulp.task(name, [, dep], fn)

gulp.task('js', ['jscs', 'jshint'], function() {
  return gulp

Dependency tasks run in parallel, not in sequence

Brackets Editor

Brackets Extensions

Gulp Tasks & Brackets

By baskint

Gulp Tasks & Brackets

lightning talk for AngularMN - May 6, 2015

  • 3,473