Animations with CSS

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Hi, I'm Geoffrey

  • CSE Major, Music minor, c/o 2016
  • Second time TA'ing CSE 154!
  • Past: CDK Global, ASUW, CSE TA
  • Future: Groupon
  • Front-end web dev enthusiast


  • Animation sampler
  • Concepts of animation
  • Your first CSS animation
  • Animation properties
  • Multiple animations
  • Possibilities of CSS animation

What you'll need

Follow along:

What is animation?

The process of making the illusion of motion and change

— Wikipedia

We focus on CSS3 animations

CSS Animations in the wild

Spin a website

// Copy+paste this into your JavaScript console
var sheet=(function() {
    var style=document.createElement("style");
    return style.sheet;
sheet.insertRule("@keyframes spin{100%{transform:rotate(360deg);}}",0);
sheet.insertRule("p,li,a,img,div,table{animation:spin 3s linear infinite;}",0);

Animations in two steps

  1. Define the animation
  2. Apply the animation


Time for some live coding!

Step 1: Define the animation

  • You define the waypoints
  • Browser interpolates the rest
  • CSS: @keyframes rule
/* Example animation definition */

@keyframes blend-in {
    0% {
        background-color: red;

    25%, 100% {
        background-color: black;

    50% {
        background-color: yellow;

Animations ❤️ Transforms

.teeter-totter {
    transform: rotate(30deg) translate(10px, -5px);
    transform-origin: left 2px;
Function Effect Example
translate(x, y) Slides the element translate(2px, -5px)
rotate(a) Rotates the element rotate(45deg)
scale(x, y) Resizes the element scale(4, 0.5)
skew(x, y) Shears the element skew(10deg, -10deg)

Usage in CSS:
transform, transform-origin

Step 2: Apply the animation

CSS animation property — a shorthand (more later)

.zoo .chameleon {
    /* Animation "blend-in" lasts 5s */
    animation: blend-in 5s;

Side note: Vendor prefixes

Required by some browsers for compatibility.

(As of 2016, no prefixes required)

/* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
/* prepend "-webkit-" */

#myelement {
    -webkit-animation: flip 2s;

@-webkit-keyframes { ... }
/* Firefox, IE, Edge */
/* (no prefix needed) */

#myelement {
    animation: flip 2s;

@keyframes { ... }

Codepen: check "-prefix-free" in CSS

Complete example

Controlling animations

You know how to say:

  • Which animation?
  • How long?

Coming up:

  • When to start?
  • How many times to play?
  • Which direction to play?
  • ...and more!

Available properties

Property Example value(s)
animation-name bobble
animation-delay 1.2s, 0
animation-direction alternate, reverse
animation-duration 5s
animation-iteration-count infinite, 10
animation-timing-function* ease-in, linear
animation-fill-mode forwards
animation-play-state paused, running

* see slide below

Timing functions

linear ease ease-in
linear ease (default) ease-in
ease-in-out ease-out cubic-bezier
ease-in-out ease-out


Others: step-start, step-end, steps() (Chrome only)

Use cases


  • Can be in any order*
  • Can omit unneeded/default properties

*with a few exceptions


Turn the use cases into shorthand

Multiple animations

  1. Define them one by one
  2. Apply them one by one

One element, many animations

/* Long form */
#myelement {
    animation-name: first,
      second, third;
    animation-duration: 0.25s,
      0.5s, 1s;

/* Shorthand */
#myelement {
    animation: first 0.25s ease-in-out,
      second 0.5s ease-in-out,
      third 1s ease-in-out;

Tired of writing your own?

Animate.css library -

"just add water!"

Inspecting animations

Surprisingly different between Chrome/Firefox


Firefox Developer Edition

Infinite possibilities

Helpful resources

Articles worth reading


Animations with CSS

By Geoffrey Liu

Animations with CSS

CSS3 animation is a technique becoming increasingly popular in modern web design. Along with other cutting-edge CSS features, animations can breathe life into an otherwise static website, and dramatically better the user experience.

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