Use of Hypothetical Data in

Machine Learning Trading Strategies

Disclosures: All investments carry risk. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and are never guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Important information relating to qplum and its registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the National Futures Association (NFA) is available here and here. 

Ankit Awasthi

Quantitative Portfolio Manager

What will we cover today

Evolution in trading and machine learning

Data Augmentation in Deep Learning

How to generate hypothetical data for trading strategies ?

Stylized facts of time series of asset returns

Improving deep learning models for Finance

Future Testing Strategies


Ten Year Cycles of Innovations in Trading


Evolution of Machine Learning

Tremendous Success of Deep Learning




Abundance of Data!

Deep learning scales with data

Source : Andrew Ng, Coursera Deep learning specialization

Data Augmentation for Deep Learning

Even more data!

Much harder in Finance!

Generating Hypothetical Data for Trading

  • Adding noise or transformations
    • Data generated is similar to original so doesn't lead to great generalization
    • Higher magnitude noise can distort properties of financial time series
  • Theoretical models
    • Hard to estimate and sample from
    • Multi-variate distributions are problematic
    • Hard to account for all empirical properties of financial time series
  • Appropriating High Frequency Data
    • ​Shows remarkable similarity to Daily Data
    • Data acquisition is hard and costly

Using High Frequency Data as Daily Data

Step 1 : Generate 15-minute contiguous non-overlapping samples from high frequency tick-data


Step 2 : Compute Mean and Variance for daily returns as Daily_Mean and Daily_Variance


Step 3 : Transform High Frequency Data to have the mean as Daily_Mean and variance as Daily_Variance


Stylized Effects of Financial Time Series

Absence of Autocorrelations

Heavy Tails

Volatility Clustering

Leverage Effect

Cross Correlation vs Volatility

Absence of Autocorrelations

Autocorrelation of returns is low both in daily and high frequency data





Source : qplum Research

Heavy Tails

High frequency data exhibits divergence from normal similar to daily returns

The magnitude of the divergence, however, is much more pronounced for daily returns

Source : qplum Research

Volatility Clustering

As opposed to returns, volatility of daily returns shows significant autocorrelation, which is retained in high frequency data as well





Source : qplum Research

Leverage Effect

...refers to the observed tendency of an asset's volatility to be negatively correlated with the asset's returns

Correlation of volatility with returns for US Total Market Index (VTI)

Leverage effect is also exhibited by high frequency data but to a smaller extent


Source : qplum Research

Cross-Correlation Vs Asset Volatility

Mean of 30-day rolling correlation of different assets with US Total Stock Market (VTI)

Standard Deviation is shown as error bars.

Correlation ( Mean and Variance )

Source : qplum Research

Correlation increases with volatility

Correlation of 30-day rolling correlation of log returns of different assets vs US Total Stock Market against  the volatility of US Total Stock Market.


Source : qplum Research

A simple example - Autoencoders

Source : Arden Dertat, Applied Deep Learning

Feature Learning

Source : Arden Dertat, Applied Deep Learning

  • Factorization of price-volume features across multiple securities
  • Unsupervised - It is not used to predict returns, or maximize performance metric
  • Information bottleneck forces the network to learn the most important factors
  • Captures non-linearities across time and cross section of securities


Daily EOD Data


3000 pts


1000 pts


1000 pts

Large High Frequency Data Corpus 

( 32000 pts )


(High Frequency + Daily)


Out of Sample 


Source : qplum Research

Model complexity alone doesn't help much!

One Hidden Layer : 62 -> 3 -> 62

Two Hidden Layers : 62 -> 10 -> 3 -> 10 -> 62

Three Hidden Layers : 62 -> 20 -> 10 -> 3 -> 10 -> 20 -> 62

Four Hidden Layers : 62 -> 100 -> 20 -> 10 -> 3 -> 10 -> 20 -> 100 -> 62

Source : qplum Research

However....more data does!

Architecture Used : 62 -> 100 -> 20 -> 10 -> 3 -> 10 -> 20 -> 100 -> 62

Source : qplum Research

Scenario Analysis

Helps to be data-driven with more data!

  • Multiple instances of 'market crashes'
  • Easy to find custom scenarios e.g., fixed income positively correlated to equities
  • Periods of high or low divergence across different sectors in equity markets
  • Multiple inflationary/deflationary periods as measured through commodity prices


Cross-Validating Hyper-parameters

Helps to be data-driven with more data!

  • Risk model parameters
    • Sensitivity to lookback duration
    • Combinations of different metrics like expected shortfall, current drawdown
  • Regularization constants
    • Soft constraints in multi-objective portfolio optimization - constraining active risk and risk of the portfolio 
  • Tax Optimization parameters
    • Thresholds for deferring gains, booking losses as a function of volatility

Future Testing Strategies

" It is far better to forsee even without certainty than not to forsee at all " - Henri Poincare

  • Collect different capital market assumptions
    • Qplum's Internal Expected Returns
    • JP Morgan Capital Market Assumptions
    • Research Affiliates Capital Market Assumptions
    • ....
  • Transform high frequency data
    • Set mean of returns such that annualized returns match the respective capital market assumptions
    • Set variance of returns such that annualized volatility matches the respective capital market assumptions
  • Evaluate performance of strategies under different capital market assumptions

Key Takeaways

Deep learning works best when you have lots of data


Adapting high frequency returns is one of the easiest ways of augmenting daily returns data


Hypothetical data can be used to stress test strategy performance


Hypothetical data can be used to develop better and more robust strategies


Disclosures: All investments carry risk. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and are never guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Important information relating to qplum and its registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the National Futures Association (NFA) is available here and here. 

Use of Hypothetical Data in Machine Learning Trading Strategies

By Gaurav Chakravorty

Use of Hypothetical Data in Machine Learning Trading Strategies

Over the last decade deep learning has had tremendous success in pushing state of the art in numerous domains such as computer vision, natural language processing, machine translation and speech recognition. All of these domains are characterized by large quantities of data. In finance, however, even 20 years of end-of-day data is merely 5,000 points and any data-driven trading strategy is only as good as the data itself. In order to leverage deep learning research to the fullest, many progressive asset managers are experimenting with different approaches to generate and use hypothetical data so that the models can learn what to do in scenarios that the markets haven't seen yet. In this webinar, we will discuss use of synthetic/hypothetical data that can potentially solve this problem.

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