I signed up as a regular donor to 25 charities

Glyn Thomas

Email: glyn@glyn-thomas.co.uk
Twitter: @glynmthomas


1. Email journeys


2. Institute of Fundraising Convention 2016

"You can teach a fundraiser how to do digital, but you can't teach digital staff how to do fundraising."

3. Commission on the Donor Experience

Fundraising charities should make their top priority:

the interests, convenience and positive experiences of their supporters

Fundraisers must be judged by longer-term, more donor-friendly criteria rather than just by income raised now:

non-financial engagement

What happened?


The rules

  • Picked a range of organisations - large and small
  • Just over half also campaign
  • Opted in to receiving emails and post

Interim report

  • 5 months since I signed up


48 pieces of mail

25 were fundraising appeals


2 charities sent
0 emails

3 charities sent
a welcome email -
then nothing

4 charities sent
no emails for 3 months.
Now they are sending a steady stream of emails.

1 charity sent 1 email every 2 months

9 charities sent an email once a month (newsletter)

4 charities sent an email twice a month

2 charities sent an email each week


Total emails received


Mean average - 0.95 emails per organisation per month

Charities that made a connection between emails


Charities that suggested other ways to get involved (non-financial)


How many campaign asks in those 119 emails?


How many surveys in those 119 emails?


How many financial asks in those 119 emails?


More than one in three emails

Excluding the organisations that sent 0 emails, 2 per organisation in 5 months to a brand new regular donor

How many financial asks in those 48 pieces of post?


62 donations asks in 5 months

Mean average = 2.48 per charity

Emails timed to coincide with post



Easy wins

  • More active engagement - surveys/polls/quizzes/campaign actions
  • Narrative to the emails
  • Coordinate post and email - touchpoints

Longer-term approach?
Non-financial asks? 



Thanks for listening!



25 regular donations

By Glyn Thomas

25 regular donations

ECF 2017

  • 245