Creating an optimisation culture

Guido Jansen


our brands

key figures

€ 23.30 billion in revenue

37,930 avg. corporate employees

4,858 offices in 39 countries

668,800 people employed everyday

building a global optimization team

& internal experimentation culture

CRO @ Randstad

goals 2018

current pace

​things that don't work in our favor

Limited local resources

Operating countries are fairly independent

Online is just "lead-gen"

Not all data is connected nicely

CRO is immature

Strong opinions on brand

Experimentation is not in the DNA (yet)

​things that do work in our favor


CRO is immature

Scale / Heaps of data

Relative mature data science/analytics teams

Most countries run on the same platform

MGMT buy-in

building a (CRO) culture

work in progress

why do you need culture anyway?

Experimentation doesn't come natural to everyone

Lack of trust/understanding about data/stats/experiments undermines your authority

Teams are distributed, silo’s don’t let you connect the dots

Can't do everything centralized

"Nothing kills experimentation and innovation more than massive fear that any non-success will be punished"

it's a lot like

community building

Get Top Management Buy-In

Get the Team(s) Involved

“Establishing a culture of optimization really starts with having an attitude of never being satisfied"

CRO moonshot




All major countries have a CRO team with curious, creative and data-driven people: analysts, UX design, frontend development, UX research, content specialist and a Q&A specialist.

The local teams are supported by a global team with data specialists, psychologists, statisticians and data visualization specialists. All working together in an agile way, feeding our machine learning systems.

people moonshot

Full integration with other departments.

Experimenting and validation is in the Randstad DNA with everything we do.

process moonshot

tiered service/maturity model

take care of your

shit umbrella

translate CRO to ROI

fortnightly calls

Google+ community

CRO buddies

global/high level recognition

transparent workflow tool

​new things I hope will work

Onboarding for people outside the online team

Move away from "CRO" and "A/B testing", move to "Idea validation" / "Business Growth" / "Innovation"

some features of successful experimentation cultures...​

Broad data literacy, leadership & trust

Inquisitive, questioning culture

Iterative, learning culture

Bottom-up (Anti-HIPPO)

Share learnings widely

Clear north star goal

final thought(s)

Optimization culture


Optimization culture

How to create a company wide optimization culture

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