Reinforcement Learning for Execution and Trading

Reinforcement Learning

  • RL is a mathematical framework for experience-driven autonomous learning.
  • The essence of RL is learning through interaction.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning

  • An autonomous agent, controlled by a machine learning algorithm, observes a state s(t) from its environment at timestamp t.
  • The agent interacts with the environment by taking an action a(t) in state s(t).
  • When the agent takes an action, the environment and the agent transition to a new state s(t+1) based on the current state and the chosen action.

Reinforcement Learning

  • The goal of the agent is to learn a policy π that maximizes the expected return.

Execution in RL Context

Basic RL algorithm


DQN and extensions

Reinforcement Learning for Execution

By Hardik Patel

Reinforcement Learning for Execution

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