Music Visualization with
Jason Sigal
pt. 1: Audio Processing
- Amplitude
- Frequency
- Peak Detection
- Pitch Detection (Autocorrelation)
pt 2. Time-based
- Pre-Analyzed Data
- Lyrics
- MIDI / Score

Oskar Fischinger - Optical Poem (1938)

Alex Chen - Steve Reich's Piano Phase
Tmema (Golan Levin + Zach Lieberman), Jaap Blonk, Joan La Barbara
More info @ tmema
Ryoji Ikeda
Oscillator Art - TK Broderick
Robert Hodgin (music by Goldfrapp)
Salem Al-Mansoori (music by Hooray for Earth)
Yotam Mann & Sarah Rothberg - computer.jazz
Data Sonification
More: "Listening to the Data"
Musical Form

Musical Form
Paul Lamere - Infinite Jukebox (using The Echo Nest API, which we will use later) - spacebar to play
Data About Music
Echo Nest's map of musical styles
Some of my stuff
(down arrow)
motionEmotion w/ Karen Peng
Sonic Scrolls (coming soon)
p5 contributors conference
Web Audio API
A brief history of audio on the web

Audio on the web...
- <bgsound>
Audio on the web...
- <bgsound>
- Flash
Audio on the web...
- <bgsound>
- Flash
- HTML5 <audio>
Audio on the web...
- <bgsound>
- Flash
- HTML5 <audio>
- Mozilla Audio Data API
Audio on the web...
- <bgsound>
- Flash
- HTML5 <audio>
Mozilla Audio Data API- Web Audio API
Audio on the web...
<bgsound>Flash- HTML5 <audio>
Mozilla Audio Data API- Web Audio API

Web Audio API

Music Visualization with Jason Sigal @therewasaguy
Music Visualization w/ p5.js - Intro
By Jason Sigal
Music Visualization w/ p5.js - Intro
- 16,371