
Web3 Profile

Active member of the web3 community and a prolific creator of open-source projects.

Speaker in various tech communities like MedellinJS, Solana Hacker House, etc.
Creator of a number of tutorials, open-source projects, and educational resources for learning programming and an advocate for promoting coding education.

NEAR Certified Developer and One of the winners in the Chainlink Fall 2021 Hackathon.

Full-Stack Profile

Open Source Contributor, Full-Stack Developer with a background in web, mobile and game development, having 10+ years of practice and leadership building interactive experiences.


Creator of Proyecto26, an Open Source Organization that aims to change the world with small contributions.
 Speaker at developer conferences such as JSConf and Microsoft DevDays.

Mentor from local communities like CodeYourFuture, ColombiaDev.


By Juan David Nicholls


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