Building Component-Based Style Guides and Documentation

Julien Melissas


Syntax Conference 2016

Hi! I'm Julien 🤓

Twitter: @JulienMelissas

Technical Director at Craftpeak

I like...

  • Dogs
  • Motorcycling
  • Music
  • Cooking
  • Other Stuff



Most days I do...

  • WordPress Development: on the team and build custom themes/websites/web applications all day
  • JS Development: Experience with React, Ember, Angular
  • UX/UI Consultation: building front end style guides and documentation for teams building new or redoing existing Web Applications

I'm not an expert.

(is anyone?)

"Lets build a

Web Application"


How we used to do it:

  1. Business requirements
  2. Wireframes
  3. Full design comps
  4. Front End Development
  5. Back End Development
  6. Hook it all up
  7. Test/QA
  8. Launch

(image from balsamiq)

A Few Problems:

  • Design & Development team disconnect
  • Can take longer - FE team might not be able to even start before design comps are done
  • Many traditional designers don't know code - could be making something very hard/impossible to build
  • Mobile First, then Desktop is a good first step, but still poses problems because you can't make "flexible" designs


How we used to do it:

  1. Business requirements
  2. Wireframes
  3. Full design comps
  4. Front End Development
  5. Back End Development
  6. Hook it all up
  7. Test/QA
  8. Launch

How we do it now:

  1. Business requirements
  2. (Live)? Wireframes
  3. Live Style Guide (HTML/SASS/JSX) with Components (Start Testing)
  4. Hook up components to API/Backend (Finish Testing)
  5. Launch

Style Guides


Why We Like Them:

One-Stop Reference for:

  • Brand standards
  • Typography
  • Colors
  • Various Basic Component Styles

Why We Like Them:

One-Stop Reference for:

  • Brand standards
  • Typography
  • Colors
  • Various Basic Component Styles

Why our clients like them:

"Live" Style Guides

  • Get started in the browser right away
  • Designers should at least know enough code to start styling type, buttons, etc... Sketch has code export!
  • Live previews on all devices - less surprises
  • Front End Developers are on board right away, Design decisions can be documented via version control


(Everything has an API)


Who's done Front End Docs?

(Raise your hands)


Why do Front End Docs?

  • One place to reference what parts of an application may look like
  • Easier to show options or explain how your project's code works
  • Backend developers can stay consistent
  • Test functionality of application pieces in different browsers/devices

Good Front End Documentation Examples:

What should go into Front End Docs?

  • Style Guide items are a good place to start (first page)
  • Show all possible button combinations
  • Offer copy/paste starting code for application pieces - "hey, this is how to get a modal to work"
  • How to get the project up and running locally
  • Methodologies for writing your SASS/CSS, JS, and other things


What is a component?

a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle

Why use components?

  • Keep things DRY (don't repeat yourself)
  • Easy to divide up labor/work for teams
  • Easy to re-arrange and put together new views
  • Possible to share/publish/open source/reuse
  • Changes everything!

"So what does this look like?"

(Live Demo)


Any Questions?

Building Component-Based Style Guides & Documentation

By Julien Melissas

Building Component-Based Style Guides & Documentation

  • 3,957