Simplifying Metadata Editing for the Non-Programmer:

Semi-automating metadata documenting using Python's docx Word module

Kim Sundeen

GIS Programmer Analyst, MN Power, MN

work: 218-355-2836218-355-2836

work: ksundeen [at]

personal: kim.h.sundeen [at]


Northern MN GIS Meeting, April 28th, 2016



  • Importance of Metadata
  • Changing our Thinking Towards Metadata
  • Playing Catch-up in Documenting Metadata
  • Using Python for Metadata Import/Export
    • Configuring modules
    • Interactive Demo 

Importance of Metadata?

Isn't it obvious?



  • knowledge transfer, archiving historical records, record methods, standardize definitions, establish contacts, establish legal limitations for data distribution...etc
  • FGDC:


What are obstacles to simplifying process?

Changing the Culture of Metadata Editing

Obstacle Potential Solution
Metadata standards are too extensive & difficult to implement Create metadata templates
Metadata production requires time & other resources Identify benefits to individuals who create metadata: 
  1. Reduced data management workload;
  2. Better knowledge of distribution/sharing limitations;
  3. Performance measures
Few tangible benefits & incentives to produce metadata. Technical staff know the data, but management establishes new policies/procedures & allocates resources for policies. "Therefore, those inspired to integrate metadata production must champion an effort to educate administrators." 

How to Play Catch-up with Metadata?


Philosophical discussions of new & future policies aside...





let's simplify how to document EXISTING GIS layers.

Python Modules Demo

Tips on Installing Python Modules



  1. Use Windows cmd to navigate to directory where pip was installed.

  2. Then follow instructions to install python packages...

  3. Sometimes doesn't work; try easy install method


>pip install python-docx  



>easy_install python-docx  


Thinking Outside the Esri Metadata Box 

  1. How about creating a Word doc formatted using your existing metadata?

  2. How about allowing GIS users to update Word doc/Excel doc instead of any metadata editor?

  3. How about importing updates of Word doc/Excel doc metadata back into Esri's metadata editor?

PseudoCode to Automate

  • 1) Export attribute, domain, subtype, counts, field metadata for review in Excel

  • 2) Export existing metadata into MS Word document for reviewing, updating, & entering new metadata into the Word doc

    • Provides printed version of metadata

  • 3) (Future Addition) - take the newly updated MS Word / Excel file metadata & import directly into Esri's metadata editor.

    • Offers  simple way for multiple users to review & correct metadata.

    • Automates import into metadata editor fields.

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 1) Export attribute, domain, subtype, counts, field metadata for review in Excel

Iterating through FC Fields

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 1) Export attribute, domain, subtype, counts, field metadata for review in Excel

Iterating through Subtypes

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 1) Export attribute, domain, subtype, counts, field metadata for review in Excel

Iterating through Domains

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 1) Export attribute, domain, subtype, counts, field metadata for review in Excel

Getting FC Field Value Counts

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 1) Export attribute, domain, subtype, counts, field metadata for review in Excel

Initial csv output

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 1) Export attribute, domain, subtype, counts, field metadata for review in Excel

then just DATA ->Text to Columns -> Delimited -> Separate by ';'

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 2) Export existing metadata into MS Word document for reviewing, updating, & entering new metadata into the Word doc

    • Provides printed version of metadata

Formatting output Word Objects

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 2) Export existing metadata into MS Word document for reviewing, updating, & entering new metadata into the Word doc

    • Provides printed version of metadata

Creating Bullet Points for GIS Dataset Names

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 3a) (Future Addition)  take the newly updated MS Word doc's metadata and import it directly into Esri's metadata editor.

    • Offers  simple way for multiple users to review & correct metadata.

    • Automates import into metadata editor fields.


  • 3b) (Future Addition) or take updated information from Excel & import into metadata editor.

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 3a) (Future Addition)  take the newly updated MS Word doc's metadata and import it directly into Esri's metadata editor.


Using python's arcpy_metadata module

PseudoCode to Automate (cont.)

  • 3b) (Future Addition) or take updated information from Excel & import into metadata editor.

Using python's openpyxl module


see python code at GitHub

**will be updated soon

Simplifying Metadata Editing for the Non-Programmer: Semi-automating metadata documenting using Python's docx Word Module

By Kim Sundeen

Simplifying Metadata Editing for the Non-Programmer: Semi-automating metadata documenting using Python's docx Word Module

We all mean well when saying we're planning to add metadata to our GIS databases and layers. However, meaning well doesn't always go far enough. We need a more efficient and practical solution to help GIS staff enter the descriptions, definitions, contacts, dates, and all other relevant metadata pieces of information consistently. This presentation showcases a solution using two python modules (docx and arcpy_metadata) to 1) export existing metadata into a MS Word document for reviewing, updating, and entering new metadata into the the Word doc; and 2) take the newly updated MS Word doc's metadata and import it directly into Esri's metadata editor. This solution is two-fold: 1) it provides a printed version of your metadata and 2) it offers a simple way for multiple users to review and correct metadata for automated import into the metadata editor fields.

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