Colors and images

(MMG640 / MVE080)


  • Brief history of color models
  • Color models: RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK
  • Color images on the computer
  • Loading images in Python (exercise)
  • Gray scale images
  • 'meshgrid' command
  • Creating and saving images in Python (exercise)
  • Color maps (gradients)
  • Contour plots

Pioneers of color models

Isaac Newton's prism and color wheel

Other early contributors:

Thomas Young, Hermann von Helmholtz, James Clerk Maxwell

Standard color model: Red Green Blue (RGB)

  • Color specified by 3-tuple [R, G, B]
  • Each value integer between 0 and 255
  • Black is [0, 0, 0]
  • White is [255, 255, 255]
  • Additive model (large means bright)

Quick quiz:

How many colors can be represented in the RBG model?

Think and discuss with your neighbor

RGB color codes

Typically three different ways

  • Decimal, integer [0,255]
    Example: [125, 13, 67]
  • Decimal, floating-point [0,1]   (used in Matplotlib)
    Example: [0.5, 0.24353, 0.8983]
  • Hexa-decimal  (often used in HTML)
    Example: #0F3ABC

Quick quiz:
Find web-page for converting between RGB color codes

Quick quiz:
What is the decimal value of #B3 ?

Other color models

HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value)

Resembles the way colors mix spectrally

HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness)

Resembles perceptual color models such as the Natural Color System (NCS)

Relation between RGB, HSV, and HSL

Quick quiz:
Explore the Matplotlib commands, 'hsv_to_rgb', and 'rgb_to_hsv'

Color pickers

Color bitmap images

  • Array of dimension height*width*3
  • Think of it as matrix of 'pixels'
  • Each pixel is an RGB tuple
  • Sometimes a fourth 'alpha-channel' representing opacity (cf. RGBA)
    0 % = fully transparent pixel
    100 % = fully opaque pixel

Image file formats

  • For storage efficiency, bitmap image arrays are compressed
  • Commonly used image file formats:

    JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), *.jpg
    Lossy compression
    Good for photos

    GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), *.gif
    Lossless compression
    Good for few color images: shapes, logos, cartoons

    PNG (Portable Network Graphics), *.png
    Lossless compression
    Modern replacement of GIF, also handles photos

Gray scale images

  • Image with only one channel = matrix
  • Scalar functions \(f: [a,b]\times[c,d] \to \mathbb{R}\) are usually approximated by gray scale images
  • meshgrid command in Numpy is useful

Example: \(f(x,y) = \sin(x y)\) as gray scale image in Numpy

x = np.arange(-3,4); y = np.arange(-3,3)

xx,yy = np.meshgrid(x,y); ff = np.sin(xx*yy)



Quick quiz:
Modify the example to a much higher resolution

Color maps (gradients)

  • Matplotlib function imshow can display gray images

Example (cont.):

>> plt.imshow(ff)

Why is it not in gray scale?

Answer: color map used to assign color to each gray value

A colormap is \(n\times 3\) matrix where \(n\) is number of 'gray levels'

Convert to RGB image

  • Matplotlib function imsave can convert gray images to RGB using a specific color map

Example: (with ff as before)


>> imsave('mycolorfunction.jpg', ff, cmap='viridis')




>> imsave('mygrayfunction.jpg', ff, cmap='gray')

Contour plots

  • Level-set of \(f:[a,b]\times[c,d] \to \mathbb{R}\) is \(S_v = \{ (x,y)\mid f(x,y) = v \}\)
  • Each level set gives a curve
  • Matplotlib functions contour plots level set curves

Example: (with x,y,ff as before)

>> plt.contour(x,y,ff)

>> plt.colorbar()

MMG640: Colors and images

By Klas Modin


MMG640: Colors and images

Color models used in the computer and representation of digital images.