A Work for University of Coimbra (PT)
Research Project: EMSURE

Licence: (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Who am I
15 years working on Satellite Ground Segments for
Landsat, Cryosat, MODIS, Sentinel...
Since 2006 in QGIS/GRASS
QGIS Plugin y Core developer
PKI support for Postgres provider
WMS legend in QGIS and composer
Save style for Spatialite provider
SVG support in Mapserver/SLD
Bug fixing and QGIS Plugin development
Fundador del of GFOSS.it
Italian OSGEO Local Chapter


Scope of the project
Develop a QGIS plugin to
Integrate STEM algorithm in a GIS environment
Parameter experimentation
Rapid spatial feedback

Previous solution
Closed source
Only windows
Code cannot evolve
No GIS integration
Development condition
QGIS Integration
Same Algorithm interface (conf files, shape files)
No Algorithm rewrite (Fortran)
Fleet distribution
Complex configuration file
Flexibibility to add new Fleet classes
Simple way to express and modify distribution
Use D3.js Sunburst

Research area about:
Integrate web pages in a C++/python env
State of the art dataviz solutions
Flexibility of two world (Desktop and web)
Previous experience (Geosisma)

Demo time
How to Install
Oxana Tchepel - oxana@uc.pt
Daniela Dias - daniela.dias@uc.pt
Luigi Pirelli - luipir@gmail.com
CODE: github.com/QTrafficmodel
Luigi Pirelli
Licence: (CC BY-SA 3.0)
QTraffic Traffic Emission and Energy Consumption Model (TEM) for open-source QGIS Experimentig D3.js in QGIS A Work for University of Coimbra (PT) Research Project: EMSURE By: Daniela Dias , Luigi Pirelli , Oxana Tchepel Licence: ( CC BY-SA 3.0 )
QTraffic: Experimenting D3.js in a QGIS Plugin for Traffic Emission Model
By Luigi Pirelli
QTraffic: Experimenting D3.js in a QGIS Plugin for Traffic Emission Model
- 4,627