

Maarten Lambrechts



As knowledge increases amongst mankind, and transactions multiply, it becomes more and more desirable to abbreviate and facilitate the modes of conveying information from one person to another, and from one individual to the many.







Xenographics are what is published on xeno.graphics

Xenographic Method

Flip axes

Everything is a convention

Xenographic Method

Break-n-stack scales


The Xenographic Catch 22

It remains only for me to request that those who do not, at the first sight, understand the manner of inspecting the Charts, will read with attention the few lines of directions, after which they will find all the difficulty entirely vanish.

Data visualization is fundamentally combinatorial and the most effective analytical applications are not a single chart but a combination of several forms of information visualization married together

Xenographic Method


chart types

Nomenclature—giving names to things and ideas—provides important markers for the adoption and use of innovations.

Harmonise the graphonyms

Our content format at Axios is brevity, so we hardly do posts with multiple charts. Because of that, we try to pack more into a limited amount of space.

Our design constraints are conducive to good weirdness!

Lazaro Gamio

Xenographic Method

Add dimensions

Every new chart type should be met by a healthy amount of both enthusiasm and skepticism

Jorge Camoes

How do we kill a bad idea in visualization, and when is it valuable to perform this euthanasia?

Michael Correll

Ross-Chernoff glyph most likely, to use a term of art, suck

The human mind has been so acted upon for a number of years past, and the same subjects have been so frequently brought forward, that it is necesarry to  produce novelty, but above all to aim at facility in communicating information.

Xenographic Method


data aspects

The research - practice gap

@researchers: publicize

@practitioners: rtfp

@toolbuilders: implement

@inbetweeners: step up


Till Nagel

Flip axes

Break-'n-stack axes

Crossbreed chart types

Add dimensions

Crossbreed data aspects

Everything is a convention

Xenographphobia & the Xenographic Catch 22

The importance of graphonomy

How to kill bad ideas

The research - practice gap

Thanks to

Till Nagel, Lazaro Gamio, Jorge Camoes, Xan Gregg, Alberto Cairo, Isabel Meirelles, Lisa Rost, Andy Kirk, RJ Andrews, Jan Aerts and Alan Smith

Special thanks to Sandra Rendgen, author of The forgotten maps of Minard, and École nationale des ponts et chaussées for the use of



Maarten Lambrechts


Xenographics Enschede

By maartenzam

Xenographics Enschede

  • 4,244