Know with Oleksiy Nesterenko: Pros and Cons of Organizational Development

Organizational development as we all know involves the use of continuous attempts in order to enhance overall company productivity and improve the efficiency of the employees by creating a nurturing and positive atmosphere in the organization. Organizational development can be used to bring in specific operational changes or effect the organization as a whole. Training, rewards and incentives based on performance, improved communication, team building efforts are some of the elements of organizational development or simply OD. Like everything else, OD also has advantages and disadvantages and here we at Oleksiy Nesterenko Startup Finance would deal with some of them:

Interpersonal relationships

OD works with each and every employee individually and also in teams to improve interpersonal relationships amongst all the members of an organization especially amongst the members of the same team. The process of building team is an important part of OD as improving relationships in the workplace boosts the morale of the employee so that they have a positive work environment. This helps the employees to understand better as what is expected from them as well.



An organizational development network is an intrinsic part of all OD models and involves a network of contact and communication amongst all the employees of an organization. Many a times a company needs to adapt to the changes taking place in the marketplace. These personal contacts with the employees often make this adaption easy. Practicing change agent management can help struggling organizations to get back to the track and adapt to the challenges that actually brought the organization down.

Administrative challenges

OD is a continuous process and where managers and employees have to maintain open communication and also revaluate the changing needs of the organization. A lot of elements are added to the organization with OD like maintaining workplace diversity, addressing issues and challenges by forming work groups, covert processes in organization and also changes in the basic strategy planning of an organization and many more. Maintaining all these is not less than a challenge to most organizations.

Time consuming

OD can be time consuming as the elements involved in OD takes time to be implemented and also to give results. This can also slow down the productivity of the organization. Things like waiting for customer feedback, surveying employees for internal processes etc. are important for the overall growth of the company but can affect the ability of the company to induce and react to changes taking place in the marketplace. 

OLEKSIY NESTERENKO STARTUP FINANCE is a professional business consulant that is providing the needed financial and strategic insight that enables businesses to thrive.

Rapid growth is not just about software engineering, but organizational engineering. OLEKSIY NESTERENKO STARTUP FINANCE will work with you to facilitate the transitioning and avoid the “growing” pains.




Pros and Cons of Organizational Development

By Oleksiy Nesterenko

Pros and Cons of Organizational Development

Rapid growth is not just about software engineering, but organizational engineering. OLEKSIY NESTERENKO STARTUP FINANCE will work with you to facilitate the transitioning and avoid the “growing” pains.

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