Decentralised dispute resolution



Secession | Evolution | Voluntaryism (AW)

Individual municipalities shall be entitled to secede from the union. The decision on whether to initiate a secession procedure shall be made by a majority of the Liechtenstein citizens eligible to vote who reside there. ~ Constitution of the Principality of Liechtenstein

Such new rules would spread not because men understood that they were more effective, or could calculate that they would lead to expansion, but simply because they enabled those groups practising them to procreate more successfully and to include outsiders. ~ F. A. v Hayek: THE FATAL CONCEIT

unification & transaction costs

Lex mercatoria

Gerard Malines: Consuetudo, vel, Lex Mercatoria, 1622

Common economic protocols - Paralelní Polis & Bouvier’s 1856 Law Dictionary

  • traders were creating their own regulatory framework independently from national law
  • autonomous character, independent from any national system of law

Third parties

Local state court

Foreign state court

Private arbitration recognised by official authority


Escrow - multisignature with arbitrator with reputation

Escrow - multisignature with anonymous arbitrator

Two parties multisignature

Smart contract

Decentralised anonymous arbiters

Alternative dispute resolution

negotiation | mediation | arbitration | ODR

The dispute will be decided by one or more persons (the "arbitrators", "arbiters" or "arbitral tribunal"), which renders the "arbitration award". An arbitration award is legally binding on both sides and enforceable in the courts.

f.e. Rozhodčí soud při Hospodářské komoře České republiky a Agrární komoře České republiky

Alternative dispute resolution

negotiation | mediation | arbitration | ODR

  • subject can be only property
  • only Czech citizen
  • exceptions are rare - decision is final


Zákon č. 216/1994 Sb., o rozhodčím řízení a o výkonu rozhodčích nálezů


Ricardian Contract

A Ricardian Contract can be defined as a single document that is

a) a contract offered by an issuer to holders,

b) for a valuable right held by holders, and managed by the issuer,

c) easily readable by people (like a contract on paper),

d) readable by programs (parsable like a database),

e) digitally signed,

f) carries the keys and server information, and

g) allied with a unique and secure identifier.

Dark Merkets

Finalize Early (FE)





Kleros is a decentralized OPT-IN application built on top of Ethereum that works as a decentralized third party to arbitrate disputes in every kind of contract, from very simple to highly complex ones. It relies on game theoretic incentives to have jurors rule cases correctly. The result is a dispute resolution system that renders ultimate judgments in a fast, inexpensive, reliable and decentralized way.

“Whoever controls the courts, controls the state”. Aristotle.

Thomas Schelling

1921 – 2016

The Strategy of Conflict

2005 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences


Schelling believes that experimental psychology has a major part to play in game theory, and famously said that formal thought is as unable to provide insight into certain games as it is to prove that a joke is funny.

Focal points

  • absence of communication
  • unique
  • more emotional then rational
  • people think what other people think
  • "focal point for each person’s expectation of what the other expects him to expect to be expected to do"

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Focal points

Most bargaining situations ultimately involve some range of possible outcomes within each party would rather make concession than fail to reach agreement at all.


Focal point doesn’t provide logical explanation or simple justice, but at least can defend itself with argument, “If not here, where?”


The fundamental insight is that voting coherently with others is a desirable behavior that has to be incentivized.

Options for jurors

• “Reimburse Alice” transfers funds to Alice’s address.
• “Give Bob one extra week to finish the website” blocks new disputes for one week and removes this option from further dispute.
• “Pay Bob” transfers funds to Bob’s address


1.  When the contract is created, the creator submits hash(contract text, option list, salt)

contract text - the plain English text of the contract

option list - the labels of the options which can be voted by jurors

salt - a random number to avoid the use of rainbow tables

2. When contract is disputed contract text, option list, salt



 Jury random selection

The probability of being drawn as a juror for a specific dispute is proportional to the amount of tokens a juror deposits.

Random numbers are generated with sequential proof of work using a scheme similar to Bunz et al. adapted to also work for Proof-Of-Stake blockchains. ??? Why not nonce?


Jurors submit hash(vote, salt, address)

The address - the Ethereum address of the juror, it is required in order to make the commitment of each juror different, thus preventing a juror from copying the commitment of another.

We let any party able to show the commitment of a juror to Kleros before the vote is closed steal the pinakions of this juror and invalidate the vote of this juror.
1. Reveal only its vote. The party won’t have any proof that it effectively voted that way. The juror could lie about it and the other party has no way to verify.
2. Reveal its vote and its commitment. The party would have the proof of its vote, but the party would also be able to steal the pinakions of this juror.

The option with the highest amount of votes is considered as the winning one.

Incentive system


Each new appeal instance will have twice the previous number of jurors plus one.

If a verdict is appealed, jurors of the appealed level are not paid (but they are still affected by the dispute due to token redistribution). This incentivizes jurors to give explanations of their rulings.

Attack resistance

Sybil Attack

Bribe Resistance

Decrease of value of tokens

Exponential growth of the price of tokens

Eventual difficulties

Criminal law, Reparation of Damages | Only what you deposited

Only a natural obligation

Parallel official enforcement - wait but taxes?

Bribe of judge is possible and very easy

Bear evidence

Community, ICO, Legal form

Potential improvements

Anonymous jurors with common interest

Jurors selected truly randomly

Bribe of juror is less possible

Abandon official enforcement scheme through prediction market

Prediction of future

Secession of small groups into parallel economy is inevitable with every new law, which tends increase transaction costs.

End of obligations starts for every person with no official physical property (renting scheme). As a result will be end of classical obligations.

If crypto-economy improves relations much better than the State with centrist model, majority of the market will stop pay taxes and start to fund companies directly.

Different taxation schemes will be created.

Regulation of p2p economy




Délka civilního řízení u obvodních soudů

Mapa exekucí

Česká republika 2017

Počet osob v exekuci 863 tis. +3,4 %

Počet osob se 3 a více exekucemi 493 tis. +0,8 %

Podíl osob v exekuci 9,7 % +0,4 %

Celkový počet exekucí 4,67 mil. +4,8 %

Vymáhaná jistina 239 mld. Kč

údaje jsou pouze za fyzické osoby



Decentralised dispute resolution

By pavoltravnik

Decentralised dispute resolution

  • 299