- Began development in 2008
- Worked on it until about 2013
- Browser-based games popular around this time
- "Persistent world"
- Peak popularity was around 50 active players
- On GitHub
- Party-based RPG
- 2D Map, Wilderness / Dungeons / Sewers
- Garrisons
- Mayors
- Kings & Queens
- Buildings
- Perl
- Catalyst Framework
- DBIx::Class
- Template Toolkit
- mysql (sadly)
- Have run on mod_perl, fast CGI, now on Plack
- Dojo toolkit (was popular about 2006)
- Also some jQuery
- Model, View, Controller
- Structure can be context dependent
- Model (DBIx::Class)
- View (Template Toolkit)
- Controller (Catalyst Framework)
- Moose
- Catalyst Framework
- Model (DBIx::Class & Moose)
- Tests (Test::Class)
- Other bits & pieces
- Making games is hard!
- Test, test, test
- Think about scope
- Think about audience
- Re-use Algorithms