Survival for the Endangered Liberal Arts Institution

12 February, 2016

Siena Heights University

What are the Liberal Arts?


...not so much this.


"of freedom, pertaining to or befitting a free person"


"skill as a result of learning or practice"

The Liberal Arts are the skills of freedom. They are those things that should be learned and practiced in order that one might preserve one's freedom (and that of others), and so that one might exercise one's freedom responsibly and skillfully in society.


The Liberal Arts Empower Us To:

  • analyze and interpret information
  • form, express, and debate informed opinions
  • understand how history, society and culture shape one's social context
  • appreciate, understand, and participate in creating human culture
  • better understand human nature--including one's own nature
  • make sound, autonomous judgments--both alone and with others--respecting one's own welfare, and that of others

Some Key Questions

Why are the Liberal Arts endangered in today's world?

What can we do to ensure that the Liberal Arts will be around tomorrow?

Hannes Grobe/AWI CC BY-SA 2.5

Why are the Liberal Arts Endangered?

Hannes Grobe/AWI CC BY-SA 2.5

The "Skills Gap"

Cultural Shifts

Governmental regulations

Low Enrollments

Assessment Difficulties


Poor Public Relations

Cost Increases

...and many other reasons too!

"I Know What Will Save the College!!"


Another Option: Survive

"1. Perceive and Believe.

2. Stay Calm.

3. Think, Analyze, and Plan.

4. Take Correct, Decisive Action.

5. Celebrate your Successes.

6. Be a Rescuer, Not a Victim.

7. Enjoy the Survival Journey.

8. See the Beauty.

9. Believe That You Will Succeed.

10. Surrender.

11. Do Whatever Is Necessary.

12. Never Give Up."

From Deep Survival, (2003) by Laurence Gonzales

Image: "The Hilary Bridge" (Nepal) by Glabb, via
Wikimedia Commons, CC-SA 2.0

Survival is Hard, Risky Work


Know who your students are (and aren't), and why they choose SHU (or don't). Believe that you can change this.

Applying the Survival Mindset

1. Perceive

Trends are not destiny. We can affect them.

2. Stay Calm

What changes in the demographics of those who come to SHU can we expect? Are there potential groups of students we are failing to connect with at present? What steps will we take to reach them?

3. Think, Analyze, and Plan

Implement the results of your analysis and planning. Start today. Nothing kills good ideas faster than delay and bureaucratic inertia.

4. Take Correct, Decisive Action

Every single student enrolled or retained counts. Recognize the effort needed to do that as often as you can. Name your champions (and learn from them).

5. Celebrate Successes

Keep in mind what makes SHU--and all Mission-driven colleges and universities like it worth fighting for in the first place. The struggle is bigger than us, and our fight can inspire others.

6. Be a Rescuer, Not a Victim

There's nothing quite like the esprit d'corps that comes from struggling alongside friends and colleagues to build something worthwhile. It also makes us more effective!

7. Enjoy the Survival Journey

The struggle can be fun but it's also part of a higher calling. Help students to find the higher calling in their own lives too. Ask them what inspires their choice of major. Help keep them mindful of their role as creators (and not just consumers) of meaning in their lives and in the lives of others.

8. See the Beauty

It doesn't guarantee success, but it's a big part of maintaining the motivational set needed to take action. Also--importantly--current and prospective students can tell the difference!

9. Believe you will Succeed

You won't get every student. No one does. That's okay. Move on to the next one!

10. Surrender

This applies to everyone. Do we need to redesign programs, or maybe to promote them better or more aggressively? Do we need to implement better co-curricular programming? Are we giving faculty and staff the resources they need (including time) to do the things that retain students? Are we valuing this work appropriately and fairly? Whatever it is, let's do it.

11. Do Whatever is Necessary

As long as the institution's doors are open, there is reason enough to prioritize recruitment and retention.

12. Never Give Up

Remember that there is life after survival!

Our goal isn't just to survive as an institution.

We can and we should be trying to go from this... this!

Image: Sushi bento, by Shiva Nataraja via CC-SA-3.0

Survival for the Endangered Liberal Arts Institution

By Steven Patterson

Survival for the Endangered Liberal Arts Institution

This is a job talk I gave at Siena Heights University in 2016.

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