Distributed Locks

Taming the race-condition, like a boss


Race Condition


Race Condition (cont'd)

  • Resource Sharing (data, hardware, and so on)
  • Distributed Computing.
  • Thread-based Processing.
  • Asynchronous Brainless Computing.

Race Condition (cont'd)

  • Duplication
  • Deadlock
  • Data loss.
  • Dead.
  • etc...


So, how we should deal with it?

Mutual Exclusion

ensure there are no two concurrent processes are in their critical section at the same time.


Distributed Lock

Talk is cheap, dude!

Distributed Lock.

in the wild

    while len(stack) < count and _ret <= _maxret:
        result = __inner(user_id, count=count + 2)
        for feed in result:
            #: lock disini. proses kalau dapet lock.
            #: delete locknya setelah task selesai ditandai oleh worker.
            unlockkey = lock_byid(feed['id'], worker_id, ttl=1 * 60)
            if unlockkey:
                logger.debug_log("pid: {} | lock succeed: {}".format(worker_id, unlockkey))

                permitted_pid = redis.get(unlockkey)
                if worker_id == int(permitted_pid):
                    rsspost_setstatus("processed", 1, feed['id'], "upd")
                    logger.debug_log("pid: {} | setstatus succeed. {}".format(worker_id, unlockkey))
                #: ok, now we do the unlock things
                unlock_byid(unlockkey, worker_id)
                logger.debug_log("pid: {} | unlock succeed. {} \n\n".format(worker_id, unlockkey))

            if len(stack) == count:
        #: incr counter
        _ret += 1

Distributed Lock.

in the wild (cont'd)

Distributed Lock.


itu sudah, tidak perlu pakai blekmejik. iya, serius


Thank You.

Distributed Locks

By Widnyana Putra

Distributed Locks

taming race condition, with python and redis using home-backed Lock

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