Crowd Validate


near-term )


   ( machine vs. human )

Show humility.

uncertainty as a first-class citizen )


proof-of-concept )


more precisely. )

  1. Exploratory app, built for mobile
  2. APIs for integration with site
  3. Authentication
  4. Most recent Landsat 8 images
  5. Performant, scalable


( APIs. As always. )

  • author_id: "535689901c31ef93260ab2f9", 
  • alert_id: "536c253fd563739b099df057", 
  • value: "intact", 
  • created: "2014-05-09T16:24:50.573Z", 
  • updated"2014-05-09T16:24:50.573Z", 
  • id"536d0152cf5a146e1d14597a" 

 >>> realtime_update( level = 'user' )

displayName            id                            count
Sander Pick            535689901c31ef93260ab2f9      8
Dan Hammer             5357113a9b206a5e766f671a      6
EarthEngine Thau       53737ee851c2336636ba3b22      2
Aaron Steele           535713cb9b206a5e766f671b      4


What does this mean?

( broadly. )

  1. Transparency (data and funding)
  2. Authentication ⇝ algorithm power
  3. Extensible to other alerting systems
  4. Easy integration with site

Crowd Validate

Looking for the crowd's validation.
i.e., applause now

Crowd Validate

By wri

Crowd Validate

  • 731