Improving PyBaMM's documentation infrastructure – a Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2023 project

Agriya Khetarpal


University of Delhi

About PyBaMM 🔋

  • Open-source battery modelling package for conducting experiments and simulations
  • Written in Python, interfaces a C++ solver for ODEs and DAEs
  • Permissive BSD-3 Clause license
  • Prevalent across battery science research, especially for the study of the effects of lithium-ion batteries
  • Several common battery models implemented

The what, the why, and the where? 📑

  • Lack of a consolidated location for hosting project-specific information for PyBaMM
  • Outdated website which is (was) difficult to navigate
  • Project wiki, governance, example notebooks were scattered

What I did 🧑‍💻

  • New static website for PyBaMM based on a unified theme developed for larger, general-purpose Python packages: NumPy and SciPy
  • Contains everything from the previous website + a newsroom + teams page + user guides + community pages: everything under one roof
  • Improved documentation infrastructure on multiple widgets and quality-of-life improvements (explained further!)

Documentation infrastructure improvements ⛩️

  • Goal: more maintainable documentation
    • Make it easier to write new documentation while also keeping in mind the needs of the users
    • Adding features by liasing with other popular projects in the Scientific Python ecosystem
  • Benefits
    • Easier-to-follow API documentation
    • Integrated example notebooks
    • Less breakage, more stability



Automated references

Thumbnail galleries for example notebooks

Download and run notebooks at ease

Floating-window tooltips for x-references

Autogenerated inheritance diagrams

Integrating Algolia DocSearch: search-as-you-type

Improving the general infrastructure for the package 🚧

  • Improved continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines
    • In most cases, ≥50% faster!
    • Faster documentation builds
    • Some parts of this area overlapped with my GSoC co-student Arjun
    • Docker images for simplified installation
    • PDFs of the documentation on every release

What's next? 🔮

  • New template project: pybamm-cookiecutter
    • Provide a standard, opinionated template for battery modelling projects
    • Make using custom parameter sets easier
    • Still a work in progress
  • Nightly releases:
    • Create a registry or a server where we upload binary distributions of PyBaMM every night with the latest changes
    • Status: waiting on triage

Post GSoC 🛣️

  • We migrated PyBaMM to pyproject.toml 
    • New build format with more reliable installation
    • Modern + up-to-date with the latest Scientific Python guidelines
  • Enhanced notebook testing infrastructure
    • Laid down basis for migration to pytest
    • Parallel execution of notebooks – up to 5x faster based on empirical Amdahl's Law calculations, 2x faster on GitHub Actions CI runners

Post GSoC 🧑‍🎓

  • Recently appointed as a maintainer trainee (October 2023) with a progressive path to maintainer status
    • I am now giving back to the community by helping triage issues and pull requests, performing code reviews, guiding new contributors, and more
    • I plan to stay involved for a long time

Thank you!

To read more, please read my work product submission using the QR code below

University presentation: GSoC 2023 with PyBaMM, NumFOCUS

By Agriya Khetarpal

University presentation: GSoC 2023 with PyBaMM, NumFOCUS

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