Making Sense of Programming Languages

- open-source engineer at
- 🧗♂️
- org of Wrocław
- .js Maintainer

Why bother?
The spec for a new language
The implementation
Interpreters, compilers, everything in between
The plan for today
The talk's goal
Why is worth to know how languages work?
Let's say...
You need a custom lint rule
You want to enhance your IDE
You need a custom DSL
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think
“I know, I'll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.— Jamie Zawinski

let add = (a, b) => {
a + b
add(1, 2) // == 3

But first, let's talk
about grammars

I did visited Berlin
Your so talented at playing you’re piano.

I did visited Berlin
Your so talented at playing you’re piano.

let add = (a, b) {
a + b
add(1, 2)


let add = (a, b) {
a + b
add(1, 2)



<bedtime-routine> ::= <bottoms> <top> <slippers>
<bottoms> ::= "Bottoms"
<top> ::= "Top"
<slippers> ::= "Slippers"
Regular grammar

<bedtime-routine> ::= <bottoms> <top> <slippers>
<bottoms> ::= "Bottoms"
<top> ::= "Top"
<slippers> ::= "Slippers"
Regular grammar

<Palindrome> ::= <Empty> | <Char> | <Char> <Palindrome> <Char>
<Empty> ::= ε
<Char> ::= "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "z"
Context-free grammar
r <Palindrome> r
r a <Palindrome> a r
r a d <Palindrome> d a r

Regular grammars: what comes next depends on the previous step
Context-free grammars: what comes next doesn't depend on the previous step

<Program> ::= <Expression> '\n' <Program> | EOF
<Expression> ::= <FunctionExpression> | <VariableDeclaration> | <AssignmentExpression>
<AssignmentExpression> ::= <AdditiveExpression> '=' <AssignmentExpression> | <AdditiveExpression>
<AdditiveExpression> ::= <MultiplicativeExpression> ('+' <MultiplicativeExpression> | '-' <MultiplicativeExpression>)*
<MultiplicativeExpression> ::= <PowerExpression> ('*' <PowerExpression> | '/' <PowerExpression>)*
<PowerExpression> ::= <Term> ('**' <Term>)*
<Term> ::= <FunctionCall> | <NumericLiteral> | <Identifier> | <UnaryExpression> | '(' <Expression> ')'
<UnaryExpression> ::= '-' <Term>
<VariableDeclaration> ::= 'let' <Identifier> '=' <Expression>
<FunctionExpression> ::= '(' <Parameters> ')' '=>' <Body>
<FunctionCall> ::= <Identifier> '(' <Arguments> ')'
<Body> ::= <Expression> | '{' <ExpressionSequence> '}'
<ExpressionSequence> ::= <Expression> '\n' <ExpressionSequence> | ε
<Parameters> ::= <Identifier> (',' <Identifier>)* | ε
<Arguments> ::= <Expression> (',' <Expression>)* | ε
<Identifier> ::= [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
<NumericLiteral> ::= [0-9]+('.'[0-9]+)?

Interpreted or Compiled?

V8 Ignition

There's a long road from code's inception to its execution

Let's dive into the code!

Thank you!

Making Sense of Programming Languages
By Aleksandra Sikora
Making Sense of Programming Languages
- 7,848