Crossing to the other side: Functional Javascripting

Alex Badea

First Impressions

Is it better?

Is it difficult?

Is it completely different?

The tools

  • Pure functions
  • Function composition
  • Immutability

Pure functions

Impure Pure functions

let state;

const impureFunction = (...params) => {

    // do stuff with params

    state = 'hamster';


let state = {};

const alsoImpureFunction = (state) => {

    // do stuff with params

    state.myPet = 'hamster';


const alsoAlsoImpureFunction = () => {

    const someData = document.querySelectAll('intuitiveClassName')

        .map(domElem => domElem.dataset.intuitivePropName);


    fetch("/path", {

        method: "POST",

        body: JSON.stringify(someData),

    }).then(/* update stuff here */);


Pure functions


let state;

const pureFunction = (...param) => {

    // do stuff with params

    return 'hamster';


state = pureFunction();

let state;

const impureFunction = (...params) => {

    // do stuff with params

    state = 'hamster';



let state = {};

const alsoPureFunction = (state = {}) => {

    const newState = Object.assign({}, state);

    // do stuff with params

    newState.myPet = 'hamster';

    return newState;


state = alsoPureFunction(state);

let state = {};

const alsoImpureFunction = (state) => {

    // do stuff with params

    state.myPet = 'hamster';



const getDataSet = (className) => document.querySelectAll(className)

    .map(domElem => domElem.dataset.prop);

const fetchFromServer = (dataArray) => {

    fetch("/path", {

        method: "POST",

        body: JSON.stringify(dataArray),

    }).then(resp => resp.json());


const alsoAlsoPureFunction = async (className) => {

    const serverData = await fetchFromServer(getDataSet(className));

    // do stuff with serverData

    return parsedServerData;


const alsoAlsoImpureFunction = () => {

    const someData = document.querySelectAll('intuitiveClassName')

        .map(domElem => domElem.dataset.intuitivePropName);


    fetch("/path", {

        method: "POST",

        body: JSON.stringify(someData),

    }).then(/* update stuff here */);


Function composition

const parseUserNames = userArray => userArray

        .map(user => `${user.firstName} ${user.lastName}`);


const validateUserNames = userNameArray => userNameArray

        .every(name => name.length < 50 && name.length > 5);



Partial application

const greetPerson = (greeting = 'Hello', message = 'Have an awesome day!', name) => {

    return `${greeting} ${name}! ${message}`;


const britishGreet = (greeter, name) => {

    return greeter('Rainnin\' cats and dogs, innit,', 'Can I shag a fag off ya?', name);


const britishGreet2 = greetPerson.bind(null, 'Rainnin\' cats and dogs, innit,', 'Can I shag a fag off ya?');


const greet = (greeting = 'Hello') => {

    return (name = 'Stranger') => {

        return (message = 'Have a nice day!') => `${greeting} ${name}! ${message}`;



greet('Hey')('Alex')('You are an awesome programmer!!');


const sayHey = greet('Hey');

sayHey('Alex')('Just kidding');


const messageAlex = sayHey('Alex');

messageAlex('No seriously...');


const user = {

    settings: {

        landingPage: 'home',

        theme: 'dark',




const userClone = Object.assign({}, user);


user.settings.landingPage = 'not home';

userClone.settings.theme = 'light';

Immutable JS


Seamless immutable



React's immutability helpers

Crossing to the other side: Functional Javascripting

By alexb_90

Crossing to the other side: Functional Javascripting

  • 457