
Your host today

Software developer with 15+ years experience
Currently at MediaSmart Mobile
Shameless tinkerer since forever
@pinchito, alexfernandez, alejandrofer


A Gentle Introduction

JavaScript on the Server

Chrome JS engine: V8 (en cómic)

Adapted for the server by Ryan Dahl

Free software (know your software)

Supported by Joyent

Running Model




Similar servers:

Python: Tornado, Twisted

Ruby: EventMachine

Java: Akka

Source:, Wikipedia

Events? Why Not Threads?

A programmer had a problem.

He thought to himself,

"I know, I'll solve it with threads!".

has Now problems. two he

Source: Davidlohr Bueso

Three Generations

Processes: CGI, PHP core

Threads: Apache MTM, Java Servlets

Events: nginx, node.js

Node.js is fast

But is it really fast?

Not when running sequential code

... but it is in concurrent execution

Only one running thread (essentially threadless)

Multi-process by using the cluster module

Node.js is highly scalable

Node.js is very linear

Success Story: PayPal

Account Overview page

2 engineers for 4 months

Developed twice as fast as the Java version

33% less code, 40% less files

Supports twice as many requests per second

Response times 35% faster

Source: Node.js at PayPal

Success Story: MediaSmart Mobile

Initial platform: one engineer for a year

Current platform: three engineers for another year

Serves mobile ads for performance campaigns

Supports 20K requests/second (at least)

Scales to 30 servers (that we know of)

Latency < 80 ms

Source: internal data

Practical Session 1

Create node.js project

Add to GitHub

'Ello world!

Technical Specification

Socket server, port 1702

When a connection is opened, asks: "Hello?"

After receiving "hello" it answers "world" and ends

Any other message should result in "ERROR"

Technical note: careful with your carriage returns!

Always "\r\n".

Doc: node.js net module

Sample Code

var net = require('net');

var server = net.createServer(function(connection) {
console.log('Connection open');
connection.on('data', function(data) {
if (String(data).trim() != 'hello') {
} else {
console.log('Connection closed');

It contains three errors

Source: hello-world.js



The key-value in-memory database

What is Memcached?

Created in 2003 by Brad Fitzpatrick for LiveJournal

NoSQL before NoSQL was cool


In-memory only storage

Free software of course!

Layered caching

Storage for precomputed values

Almost instantaneous responses (~10 µs)

One of two great inventions in horizontal architectures
(the other one is queue managers)

Basic Memcached API

set [key] [flags] [exptime] [bytes]\r\n
[data block]\r\n

store a value in memory

get [key]* \r\n
\=> VALUE [key] [flags] [bytes]\r\n
[data block]\r\n
extract one (or more) values by key
delete [key]
delete a value from memory

Source: protocol.txt

Complete API

get, gets

set, add, replace, append, prepend, cas


incr, decr,




flush_all, version, quit

Source: protocol.txt

Practical Session 2: Simplecached

Simplified memcached server

get, set, delete

Simplified protocol

Only accepts strings (without line feeds)

Technical Specification

Memcached-type server on port 11311

set [key] [value]\r\n

store a value in memory

get [key]\r\n
\=> VALUE [key] [value]\r\n
\=> END\r\n
extract a value by key
delete [key]\r\n
delete a value from memory

Any non-complying message must result in ERROR.


string.trim(): remove whitespace at the ends

string.split(separator): split a string into an array of pieces

array.slice(begin): return a substring from begin

array.join(separator): join an array into a string

A JavaScript object is an associative map by key

The value can contain spaces

Careful with error cases

Extra Round: Quit Command

Add a quit command:


closes the client

Hint: connection.end(): closes a connection

Verify how easy it is to modify your software!


Probably not


Node Package Manager

Anatomy of a Package (or module)

Read me file:

Definition: package.json

Entry point: index.js

Code: lib/

Documentation: doc/

Binaries: bin/

NPM Commands

  • npm install: install a package or more
  • npm install -g: global installation
  • npm update: update one or more packages
  • npm remove: remove a package
  • npm test: run package tests

Source: npm-index

Directory Resolution





where {prefix} is usually /usr/local

Source: npm-folders

aNATOMy of a package.json

"name": "simplecached",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Simplified memcached server.",
"contributors": ["Alex Fernández <>"],
"license": "MIT",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"dependencies": {
"testing": "0.1.x"
"keywords" : ["simplecached", "didactic", "memcached", "caching"],
"bin": {
"simplecached": "bin/server.js"
"scripts": {
"test": "node test.js"

Source: package.json

Practical Session 3: Packages

We will use the simplecached package later on

Install it:

npm install simplecached

Imported with require:

var Client = require('simplecached').Client;

var client = new Client(port);

client.set(key, value, function(error) {});

client.get(key, function(error, value) {}); 

Source: simplecached

Create a package.json

Name and description

Depends on simplecached

Move everything to the correct location:
/lib, /bin, index.js

Use npm

Run npm install without arguments

Run npm list to see what you have installed

Run npm remove simplecached
and then npm list

Publish with npm publish

Take it back! with npm unpublish --force


Test Your Code

Just Do it!

The value of tests

Customers are happy when your code works

Untested code does not work!

Trust me on this

Do not ever sell, announce or deploy untested code

Do not talk about tests separately from code

Asynchronous Tests

Use testing

Build your async tests

Create a test function for every unit test

Run all tests together

Testing API

testing.success(message, callback); 

consider that the test succeeded

testing.failure(message, callback); 

consider that the test failed

testing.assert(condition, message, callback); 

verify a condition, fail if not true, 

run a set of tests and show the results


Let the machine work for you

Create a control API

Use it in your tests

Three basic rules:

  • One single button
  • Fail fast and loudly
  • No human intervention

Practical Session 4: Tests

The simplecached package contains a client. Use it!


npm install simplecached

Imported with require:

var Client = require('simplecached').Client;

var client = new Client(port);

client.set(key, value, function(error) {});

client.get(key, function(error, value) {}); 

Source: simplecached

Technical Specification

  • Open a socket to port 11311
  • Pick a random key and a value containing a space
  • Send the command 'get [key]'
  • Check that it returns nothing ('END')
  • Send 'set [key] [value]', returns 'STORED'
  • Send 'get [key]'; returns the [value] and 'END'
  • Send 'delete [key]', returns 'DELETED'
  • Send 'get [key]', returns 'END'
  • Close the socket

Technical note: commands must be run in sequence


Bonus Round



Functional programming concept

CPS: Continuation-passing Style

State is passed around as parameters

Ideal for asynchronous calls

Callback Hell

Pyramid of callbacks

Infinite nested continuations

Abuse of lambdas (unnamed functions)

Hard to follow, debug, refactor

Modern GOTOs?

Simple Solutions

Use named functions

Create an object with named functions

Closures become attributes

Use async.waterfall()

Use EventEmitter

Other Models


Reactive programming

Yield: almost there

Coroutines (and not goroutines): not yet there

Practical Session 5

Refactor the pyramid of callbacks

Do not keep more than two nested callbacks

Choose your poisonmethod



IronHack meets Node.js

By Alex Fernández

IronHack meets Node.js

IronHack workshop about node.js

  • 4,484