Rich and lazy learning of task representations in brains and neural networks

Flesch, Juechems, Dumbalska, Saxe, Summerfield








JC 11.04.2022, Claudia Merger

Feedforward NNs can solve problems in different ways


Feedforward NNs can solve problems in different ways

hidden representation:


Woodworth, B. et al. Kernel and Rich Regimes in Overparametrized Models. arXiv:2002.09277 [cs, stat] (2020).

scale of weights at initialization



Feedforward NNs can solve problems in different ways

hidden representation:


Woodworth, B. et al. Kernel and Rich Regimes in Overparametrized Models. arXiv:2002.09277 [cs, stat] (2020).

scale of weights at initialization

How do humans make decisions?

How do neural populations code for multiple, potentially conflicting tasks?



Humans make decisions based on a context

context: 2 gardens, blue or orange

task: decide whether to plant tree based on context

Humans make decisions based on a context

baseline: initial test

scanner: fMRI scanner


accuracy increase between two tests

Humans make decisions based on a context

fit model to human performance:


Humans make decisions based on a context

fit model to human performance:

Humans make decisions based on a context

fit model to human performance:

factorized model fits better than linear model

Humans make decisions based on a context

fit model to human performance:

factorized model fits better than linear model

What is the geometry of the representation of the stimuli in humans? Is it rich or lazy?



Humans make decisions based on a context

fit model to human performance:

factorized model fits better than linear model

What is the geometry of the representation of the stimuli in humans? Is it rich or lazy?


first: Look at feedforward neural networks

Train feed-forward neural network

"Gaussian blobs"

Train feed-forward neural network

W_{ij} \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma_W^2)

"Gaussian blobs"



Initialize a Neural network with different weight variances:

Interpolate between rich and lazy



rich: low. dim. hidden repr.

lazy: high dim. hidden repr.

Initialize a Neural network with different weight variances:

Interpolate between rich and lazy



rich: low. dim. hidden repr.

lazy: high dim. hidden repr.

rich: more robust to removal

lazy: less robust to removal

Initialize a Neural network with different weight variances:

Interpolate between rich and lazy

rich: low. dim. hidden repr.

lazy: high dim. hidden repr.

rich: more robust to removal

lazy: less robust to removal

rich: slow learning

lazy: fast learning

Initialize a Neural network with different weight variances:

Interpolate between rich and lazy



Initialize a Neural network with different weight variances:

Interpolate between rich and lazy

rich: low. dim. hidden repr.

lazy: high dim. hidden repr.

rich: more robust to removal

lazy: less robust to removal

rich: slow learning

lazy: fast learning

rich: more robust to noise

lazy: less robust to noise

Visualize geometry of data representation:

Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA)


Kriegeskorte, N., Mur, M. & Bandettini, P. Representational Similarity Analysis – Connecting the Branches of Systems Neuroscience. Front Syst Neurosci 2, 4 (2008).

Visualize geometry of data representation:

Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA)

Neural network:

hidden manifold


Kriegeskorte, N., Mur, M. & Bandettini, P. Representational Similarity Analysis – Connecting the Branches of Systems Neuroscience. Front Syst Neurosci 2, 4 (2008).

Visualize geometry of data representation:

Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA)

Neural network:

hidden manifold


Kriegeskorte, N., Mur, M. & Bandettini, P. Representational Similarity Analysis – Connecting the Branches of Systems Neuroscience. Front Syst Neurosci 2, 4 (2008).



Visualize geometry of data representation:

Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA)

Neural network:

hidden manifold


Kriegeskorte, N., Mur, M. & Bandettini, P. Representational Similarity Analysis – Connecting the Branches of Systems Neuroscience. Front Syst Neurosci 2, 4 (2008).




scaling (MDS)


Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

Context is fed into NN as an input

Geometry of hidden representation  varies in rich and lazy regime

lazy approximately conserves distances between inputs

richt compresses along irrelevant dim.



representational similarity analysis and multidimensional scaling:

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

Context is fed into NN as an input

Geometry of hidden representation  varies in rich and lazy regime

lazy approximately conserves distances between inputs

richt compresses along irrelevant dim.



representational similarity analysis and multidimensional scaling:

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

Context is fed into NN as an input

Geometry of hidden representation  varies in rich and lazy regime

lazy approximately conserves distances between inputs

richt compresses along irrelevant dim.



representational similarity analysis and multidimensional scaling:

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

Context is fed into NN as an input

Geometry of hidden representation  varies in rich and lazy regime

lazy approximately conserves distances between inputs

richt compresses along irrelevant dim.



representational similarity analysis and multidimensional scaling:

grid fits better in lazy regime,

orthogonal better in rich

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

representational similarity analysis and multidimensional scaling:

Analyze neural geometry from fMRI scans

Rich representation in most regions

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

representational similarity analysis and multidimensional scaling:

Analyze neural geometry from fMRI scans

Rich representation in most regions

better human performance

correlates with fit of orthogonal model:

Neural Networks make decisions based on a context

representational similarity analysis and multidimensional scaling:

monkey frontal eye fields:

Analyze neural geometry from fMRI scans

Rich representation in most regions

better human performance

correlates with fit of orthogonal model:

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units



representations should be mixed-selective and respond to both task and input stimuli


-> In the rich regime, hidden layer

activativations should be task-selective

Neural Network:

selectivity: Nonzero activation

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units



representations should be mixed-selective and respond to both task and input stimuli


-> In the rich regime, hidden layer

activativations should be task-specific

Neural Network:

selectivity: Nonzero activation

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units



representations should be mixed-selective and respond to both task and input stimuli


-> In the rich regime, hidden layer

activativations should be task-specific

Neural Network:

selectivity: Nonzero activation

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units

representations should be mixed-selective and respond to both task and input stimuli


-> In the rich regime, hidden layer

activativations should be task-specific

Monkey A:

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units

representations should be mixed-selective and respond to both task and input stimuli


-> In the rich regime, hidden layer

activativations should be task-specific

Monkey A:

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units

representations should be mixed-selective and respond to both task and input stimuli


-> In the rich regime, hidden layer

activativations should be task-specific

Monkey A:

How do neural networks code for different contexts?

anticorrelated weights from context to hidden units

representations should be mixed-selective and respond to both task and input stimuli


-> In the rich regime, hidden layer

activativations should be task-specific

Monkey A:

task-specific: orthogonal/factorized

task-agnostic: linear

Conclusion: three main contributions

  • formalize how rich and lazy learning regime are expressed in a Deep NN in a canonical context-dependent classification paradigm






Conclusion: three main contributions

  • formalize how rich and lazy learning regime are expressed in a Deep NN in a canonical context-dependent classification paradigm





  • asses these predictions in humans using behavioral testing and neuroimaging




Conclusion: three main contributions

  • formalize how rich and lazy learning regime are expressed in a Deep NN in a canonical context-dependent classification paradigm





  • asses these predictions in humans using behavioral testing and neuroimaging




  • insight into the computational principles of context dependent decision making

JC Merger 2022-04-11

By alexrene

JC Merger 2022-04-11

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