Part 1

Part 2


Part 1

Part 2

Reading & Writing

Part 3


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3







Kate spent her holiday in the countryside. Each day she did different activities with her family.

5. Friday

4. Thursday

3. Wednesday

2. Tuesday

1. Monday

Listen and write a letter in each box

Exam task. Listening part 1.


What sports does Mary do?

Listen and tick the box

Exam task. Listening part 2.







Where was Billy's ball?

Listen and tick the box

Exam task. Listening part 2.




Where is the shoe store located?

Listen and tick the box

Exam task. Listening part 2.

Where is the photo?

Listen and tick the box

Exam task. Listening part 2.




What is the movie about? 

Listen and tick the box

Exam task. Listening part 2.





Are the African elephants                                         (large/larger/the largest) animals in the world? Surprisingly, not. There is a creature which is many times                                 (big/bigger/biggest) than
an African elephant. Meet the blue whale. These giants are                                                             (heavyer/heavier/the heaviest) than 300 adult
polar bears.

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 1.

Look, read and write

A Giant Animal

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 1.

Look, read and write


A Giant Animal

Impressive, right? But                                            (excitingest/the more exciting/the most exciting) fact is that the blue whales are extremely loud. Even if they are                                             (further/farer/furer) than 1500 km, others still can hear them! 

Jack is the captain of the school’s football team. His team is in second place at the moment.

Today they are going to play against the first team. Jack’s mum and dad are his biggest fans.

They always come to the stadium and shout loudly.

1) Jack’s team is in

at the moment.

Match day

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 2.

Look, read and write

Jack is the captain of the school’s football team. His team is in second place at the moment.

Today they are going to play against the first team. Jack’s mum and dad are his biggest fans.

They always come to the stadium and shout loudly.

2) Jack’s parents always

to the stadium.

Match day

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 2.

Look, read and write

Mr. Hopper, Jack’s math teacher, is a commentator.

He switches on his microphone and says:

“Welcome to the tenth game of the season! Players are ready to start. They run out on the field quickly.”

3) Today is the

of the season.

Match day

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 2.

Look, read and write

Mr. Hopper, Jack’s math teacher, is a commentator.

He switches on his microphone and says:

“Welcome to the tenth game of the season! Players are ready to start. They run out on the field quickly.”

4) Players run out on the field

Match day

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 2.

Look, read and write

“The game starts! Jack gets the ball from his partner.

He goes away easily from the opponents and kicks the ball.

And he scores! That’s his seventh goal in the last four games, fantastic job, Jack!”

5) Jack

from his opponents.

Match day

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 2.

Look, read and write

“The game starts! Jack gets the ball from his partner.

He goes away easily from the opponents and kicks the ball.

And he scores! That’s his seventh goal in the last four games, fantastic job, Jack!”

6) Jack scores his

in the last four games.

Match day

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 1.

Look, read and write


Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write

Complete the sentence.

1.  Tina’s dad has got a black

and short hair.

Exam practice task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write

Complete the sentence.

2.  The woman with long fair hair is Tina’s

Exam practice task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write

Answer the question.

3. What do Tina’s brothers look like?  

Exam practice task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write

Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write

Answer the question.

4. Has Tina’s grandpa got a beard?  

Exam practice task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write


Exam task. Reading and Writing Part 3.

Look, read and write


5. Now, write a sentence about the picture.

Exam task. Speaking Part 1.

Describe the picture






Exam task. Speaking Part 2.

Picture story


Exam task. Speaking Part 3.








Exam task. Speaking Part 3.



Part 1

Part 2


Part 1

Part 2

Reading & Writing

Part 3


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

TOTAL: ___/40

Mover Pre-Teen 2 L31 Exam

By Allright

Mover Pre-Teen 2 L31 Exam

  • 138