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All decks 14
  • Introduction to p5.js

    CodePen Boston September Meetup

  • Being a better a11y

    Upstatement Friday Share 6/2/2017

  • Girl Develop It: Intermediate HTML & CSS

    Sign up here:

  • Web Design I

    Class slides for Web Design I (CDGD304) at Massachusetts College of Art and Design

  • Boston CSS

    Welcome to the Boston CSS Meetup!

  • Bridging the gap between design and development

    Boston CSS March 2016 Meetup, Cascade BOS May 2016 Meetup, QCON New York 2016, Front End Design Conf 2016, Data Visualization Camp 2016, GothamSass July 2016 Meetup

  • CSS Tooltips: What clip-path & gradients can do for us

    Boston CSS December 2015 Meetup: Lightning Talks

  • Responsible Data Visualization V2

    Front Porch 2015, CSS Dev Conf 2015, Future of Web Design NYC 2015, Refresh Boston November 2015, NYC D3.js November 2015 Meetup

  • Styling Forms Accessibly

    Madison+ UX 2015

  • Responsible Data Visualization (for the web)

    Front End Design Conf 2015

  • Hallway Talk 1/8/2014

    Liu Ye

  • Hallway Talk 9/25/14

    Fattening up T's and Collaboration

  • Styling forms semantically and accessibly

    Front End Design Conf 2014, Boston Front End Developers February Meetup 2015

  • Organizing CSS

    Fresh Tilled Soil's Lightning Talk 2013