
Instructor: Amanda Cheung

Teaching Assistants: Colleen, Jenn, Maura, Sara



Who am I?

A bit about me

  • Amanda Cheung (@acacheung)
  • Senior Designer at Upstatement
  • Former adjunct professor at MassArt
  • Former lead user experience developer at DockYard
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting and graphic design from the University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Conference speaker (designer-developer relationship, bettering user experience through accessibility, etc.)
  • Organizes the Boston CSS Meetup group

Your TA: Colleen

  • Freelance designer
  • Former UI designer / developer
  • Built a component-based design system using templated HTML and Sass
  • Has been a designer / developer hybrid for 5 years!
  • Has two cute guinea pigs

Your TA: Jenn

  • Software engineering manager
  • Just quit job and will be going to Audible/Amazon
  • Has been working in the web world for ~20 years!
  • Has been Microsoft tech (.net, sql, vb, c#, etc), but is now switching to Java/Mac
  • Disney addict

Your TA: Maura

  • IT manager for Boston non-profit working to advance women in legal professions
  • Boston University graduate
  • Experience comes from designing email templates and managing her organization’s website

Your TA: Sara

  • TBD

What we’re going to build

Dobot shop

You’ll be provided with

  • Semantic HTML
  • All fonts and images linked
  • Mobile styles

So you can focus on

  • Accessibility: HTML outliner, order of elements, testing with screen readers, visually hiding elements
  • Responsive web design: testing on devices, maintainability, building better systems
  • Naming conventions: SMACSS (scalable and modular architecture for CSS), BEM (block__element--modifier)


  • Your HTML should always pass validation
  • Know to separate styles from content (NO INLINE STYLES)
  • Understand @mdo’s HTML code guide and comfortable with implementing layouts with CSS






The basics

  • Be semantic
  • Have empathy
  • Test, test, test!

Be semantic

Have empathy

  • Think about what screen readers read aloud
    • Links that say Read more”
    • Images that don’t have decent alt text
    • Links that look like this
    • Being able to fill out a web form
    • Being able to perform all the tasks that another user can
  • Does the order of elements makes sense?
  • Are we ordering things in a certain way to make it easier to style? (Not good)
  • HTML outliners help with this

Test, test, test!

  • VoiceOver on Mac (⌘ + F5)
  • NVDA with Firefox on Windows

Let’s test Dobot!

What are some things I built in for accessibility here?

.visually-hidden {
  border: 0;
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
  height: 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 0;
  position: absolute;
  width: 1px;

Visually hidden content

Work on Dobot


.logo {
  height: 50px;
  width: 50px;
  transition-duration: .25s;
  transition-property: opacity;
  &:hover {
    opacity: .75;

SMACSS overview

Naming conventions

Class all elements
using BEM

Maintainability resources

Responsive web design

What is responsive design?

Wikipedia says: Design and build sites to provide optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors)


Example: The Great Discontent 

What are other options?

  • Fixed: set width, styles do not change depending on resize, no media queries
  • Fluid: built using percentages, no media queries
  • Adaptive: media queries to target specific devices (mobile, tablet, desktop)
  • Native app: can work without an internet connection, higher quailty UX
  • Separate mobile site: created only for small screens, lighter and faster

Why do responsive
web design?

Write the code once and have it functional
and legible across many devices.

People use a wide range of devices to complete their tasks.
Reading on mobile phones, shopping on tablets, etc.

More responsive sites


Boston Globe

"The first major, high-traffic, content-heavy website to adopt a responsive design" - Beaconfire Wire

"Raise[d] public awareness of this flexible, standards-based, multi-platform and user-focused web design approach"
- Jeffrey Zeldman


Built by Buffalo

RWD Exercise #1

The font is Montserrat and the teal is #8affbf. Write CSS that changes the font sizes at different media queries.

RWD Exercise #2

Copy taken from Hipster Ipsum

Darker teal hex color: #7ce5a6

Work on making
Dobot responsive

What now?


  • Design a focus state
  • Keyframe animation like this on “Check out how it was made” when hovered
  • Linear gradient stripes on button
  • The solutions!

Looking for another portfolio project?


Stay in touch!

Girl Develop It: Intermediate HTML & CSS

By Amanda Cheung

Girl Develop It: Intermediate HTML & CSS

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